Saturday, March 3, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Flesh Eating Disease Stages

It took a long time to erase the bad impression. In a test of last resort, first saw the Nu young spruce branches and incense from the Indian store. I accepted its existence. Soon after, the opportunity arose for the first time I held in my hand a full size bottle, not the tester.
lives in me very ambiguous.
On the one hand it is a cold, sharp, spopielały, peppery and smoky creature, rocking in the highest, trącający wings darkly lit clouds and the moon, piercing the silence howling at night. It is the spirit of autumn - this bold and decisive already - I call autumn in full uwiądzie - with siekącym, cold rain, hurricane, penetrating wind and desperately short day. The sun is already in the area of \u200b\u200bmemories, coot from time to time, pearly-gray ball on the edge of the world, and after a while sinych drown in the depths of the clouds. The smoke bite in the throat, mingling with an almost frosty air already. Chill cardamom brings unparalleled elsewhere in the quantity of pepper intensifies the chills.
In one, however, time, secretly, softly, a creature lands, curled wings, flexing its lithe body and placed in a warm place in August that his fur has gained luster and density. Around it is saturated with the smell of incense dark blue velvet, silvery starlight szroni the coarse texture of the material. Howl is now only a memory, scratching in the throat, hoarseness sensual, which would dampen the fun a good sip of alcohol.
There is an atmosphere of sensuality, mystery, magic sleep.
Notes: bergamot, cardamom, wild orchid, black pepper, incense, wood notes, spices, vetiver.
Nu creates a strange trinity of similarities - on one side of Dune, with another of the Kingdom, and would allow the system to the M7, it comes out of this quite interesting, though somewhat perverse quadrangle.
Would Cocoa Butter Remove Dark Spots
the best English-language blog perfumiarskim recently appeared entry, which is a lot about what and I recently - namely, when I learned that last year appeared in nearly 700 new scents, and This number exceeds 800, a number that is too low-it was his head. author of the blog, Robin, performs daily a really excellent piece of work, ensuring that all perfumistom (? whether it could be that in Polish?) the latest information about new products, where to buy perfume, plus dozens of great reviews odors. This, our Bible, or one of her books. This same workhorse and finally said enough is enough. How much can! 800 fragrances every year? more than 2 per day! despite difficulties in obtaining their (often editions boutique, not easily available), as it is all solid test? in addition, leading blog in which the daily posting of information, it is time consuming because it requires digging through the bust material. and to create a good review is not enough knowledge of the composition and mimobieżny wrist test, you must come with the smell, bite, to see what he does on the neckline, and behaves as applied behind the ear, as we receive it after 15 minutes, two to twelve hours, three days . with so many new products every year is a task beyond the capacity of any single man. matter even worse fact that most of those perfumed, it smells jednosezonowe, barely sketched on his knee, reckless, bylejakie, designed to seduce the first five minutes and then fade, flat and completely memorable, and often disappearing after a year or two years of existence on the shelves - but it must be tested, because in principle we do not know what to expect.
the late Stanislaw Lem wrote a shower of information, from which it is extremely difficult to pick out the main drops. Well, we, the geeks of perfume, we were probably in the range of powerful hail bottles.
so Robin is looking for collaborators.
regret that I feel so insecure with my (provides objectively very good) English, were it not przystałabym happy for the team.
and so remains for me an unhurried, only my inner dictated the pace, not inventions marketers, keeping a blog about perfume. and hope that a lot of competition creates beautiful ideas.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Kitchenaid Rebates For Canada 2011
I find it hard to understand the phenomenon of the smell. Basically I do not like floral perfume, and especially now as the main component of jasmine. This inconspicuous flower scares me, cornered, feel sick and discouraged to life. The Pure Poison Jasmine were elevated in some mysterious way on such a high level of unreal, so much was extracted, have abandoned all their sticky, mossy humidity (which is just grins at Alienie) and became a pure, podniebnym, white light, the idea of \u200b\u200ba flower.
Pure Poison is a hypnotically rippling, fluorescencyny flower. This is an incorrect fire of unknown origin pełgający when empty, aseptic space. Absorbs all the attention, makes the track, he deceives into dangerous spaces, where there is no escape, and there abandoned. Mroczy bright, cadaverous light, deafened by the sound brittle hitting each other, osuwających one after the other plates of ice. Full of contradictions, wrząco-icy, sweet and bitter, growing in the mouth. Extinguished as high fever cold bath, from which it is easy to die. You lose it after a while, unexpectedly exploded like a column of white smoke, which immediately strangely twisted, sprawl, clouded. Addictive, fascinated, at the same time arousing feelings to each other on the border of disgust. It reminds me of a lamp burned - totally unexpectedly buzzy and Pyka, irregularly mgruga emitting waves with frequencies of various kinds, causes, and infiltrating mózowie unpleasant feeling, but it is impossible not to look at it, not hear, turn off the body and it just did not feel - is simply not to forget about her. Mirror
opalescent, whitish bottle with ciemnopurpurowymi accents perfectly underlines

notes: Calabrian bergamot, mandarin, jasmine, sweet orange, orange blossom, hydroponic gardenia, sandalwood, white amber and musk.
(photo from website)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
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I remember very well my first encounter with Black Cashmere. It was a grim October and November evening, I returned home tired from work, and I passed that along the way perfume, I went a little to edify. BC landed on one hand, making the journey to the distant settlement immediately stopped the logs. Zafrapował me from the first flowering, but only when after 20 minutes I left the bus, and warmed up my coat sleeve came autumn, omnipotentny wind, smell owionął bewitched me, and for good. thought I'd finally found a perfume like incense definitely made straight for me! The odor, which is very attracted to me in the NU YSL, here was perfect, dressed in flavors that do not disturb me, and uwypuklały what that smell beautiful: his lack of discernment, dymność. The Black Cashmere wrap and can disappear from view, melting into the black. Scent of incenses the whole person, wrapped in black as pitch, soft as a butterfly wing smoke. He was then (2003) the most "magical" flavor, which I was the smell, and definitely we are talking about black magic, a dark but not terrible mystery. BC reminded me of the sacrifices of flowers on the altar of the Goddess of zasępionym face.
Then it was different. We made love passionately but briefly. Almost like a fruit of this sudden love, just after the taming of one another, appeared in my new life and new customs were followed in my kingdom bottles. After 9 months, I returned to myself, I went back to BC. Again shortly. second pregnancy was for the flock even more ruthless. I gave my full fifty for almost nothing, she added balm ... in these difficult days I was sure that this is the end. But when a few months ago there were rumors about the withdrawal of BC, I had no doubt what to do. I won a bottle, I make stock and I hope that third time lucky, and that I will be wiser this time and we will be together for long.
Through the prism of our turbulent know I see BC as follows: The first chords are already incense, and soft, brown, like coffee wood, richly seasoned with masala. Deep in the nasal cavities is getting hot and dark. Hypnos flies, his shadow covers velvet oblivion. Dream that you are His bride. The Lord of the March comes in the night, a black body, invisible, wszechprzenikliwe. Bats covers his face with his hand gently, slowly raises to his own, and made the first tender kiss, the touch of wings. Dream. Dissolves in and caress him, in fact no longer the bride, the body is empty, her spirit soars cloudy sky, silently. You wyśnić sweet Finally, a slight shiver, and you and a nightmare.

At monolithic, smooth, black, and like a dead shell undulates scent bottle constantly restless and full of great energy, deep as ocean, where the billow conflicting currents of emotion, desires and charms. Scent through the subconscious.
In contrast to all other perfumes inspired kadzidlanych Western Christianity (MdM , Avignon, Passage d'Enfer ), In which incense is in my perception are very strict, and though isolated, so sharp, Black Cashmere also contains a feminine face of the church, as a odor służebnie wypastowanej floor. With this unprecedented admixture offers a warm, greasy glow. Timber in BC is different than eg in Sequoia - there is nothing in it with fresh juice, a burst of resin - a smell of slightly skwaśniałych, wysiedzianych, polished pews and kneelers with hollow cavities hundreds of humble knees.
BC is undoubtedly warm, though the dominant note of incense always vaguely I recalls the cold interior of the church. Definitely one of those that leave behind a "trail", but trail is not invasive - who wants to feel it still needs to have some fun in chasing a black nose wing.
notes: saffron, masala spices, white pepper, cloves, nutmeg, allspice, broom, red rose Marechai, Ethiopian Guggul incense, Singapore patchouli, African Wengue tree, honey tree, labdanum, vanilla, amber, honey.
Monday, February 5, 2007
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bottle holds a line very sophisticated, creamy soap dishes, in which the manufacturer of unclear to me the reasons he decided to pack up his compositions. Change only flowers. Picture always looks better than the reality, so the aesthetic ecstasy when I do not foresee a shelf.
High Hematocrit Level In Dogs
Luca Turin raves six of the new Khan. I'm afraid that revelations of his check will require a lot of własnonośnie sacrifices.
While I feel a slight bitterness of the profession, since most of my Coromandel is expected to be better born cousin of Borneo in 1834, which is sorely disappointed. This confirms the rumors that he worked on new smells brilliant Christopher Sheldrake, talking about the similarity of the two odors can not therefore be accidental. Excellent news for fans of szypru: 31 rue Cambon is the most beautiful by Turina skipper last three decades. Almost regret that skippers do not suffer, it must be a feast. I can only wait eagerly for the best in 30 years oriental fragrance based on incense, cloves and ambrze.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
How To Clean A Proctor Silex Waffle Maker
So go through hell. Definitely - go, not some sinister gate, behind which hides a dark secret. Metaphysical passage through hell, a wanderer with a clearly defined objective, glowing like a lantern at the end of his road. The lighthouse is not a weapon than a shield, the wanderer is naked, has to execute the mission and must rely on himself or herself. Hell is not a friendly place. It is treacherous. The transition is therefore a challenge. Since its entry into each step may be erroneous and lead to a sticky, insect traps. So you have to tread carefully ekwilibrystycznie. This step, this translates into the rhythm of the whole body. Breath should be unhurried and focused, because the lungs slowly adapt to the different gas mixtures. Collect the air, slowly, almost the molecule, after twenty seconds of breath - then hell does not clog the transition, not suffocating, feces does not flood, do not smell sour batoży lung sulfur - but gently caresses the senses of frankincense, lemon stimulates the blades of grass, it fortifies the power of herbs, blistered feet wet ground cools. Only in this way may be sent to realize the protective power of the innocent around him secretly lily.

poignantly aired - despite saturation, spiritual ceremony - despite the horror of the very niehollywoodzkim happy ending.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Kiosk At Perimeter Mall
Caron Parfum Sacre - close to the ideal perfume as such, though not necessarily for me. Soft, warm, comfortable and aurzaste. woman as mother, wife, lover.
Sisley Soir de Lune - a honey skipper, one of the prettiest that I had the opportunity to smell. actually, even an extremely beautiful. which does not change the fact that the skipper and the skipper is not for me he is.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
How Thick Is Toilet Paper

The existing counterparts (Bois de Iles, Cuir de Russie, Gardenia, No.22, by the way they dress refresh) will join 6 new fragrances by Jacques Polge (rumored that his divine nostrils have brought flasks of essences the same Christopher Sheldrake):
* 28 La Pausa (name of the estate of Coco Chanel in the south of France): the smell of powder based on the essential oil of sweet iris, one of the most expensive perfume ingredients.
* 31 rue Cambon (Chanel studio address): the most nostalgic of all six, chypre fragrance. A mixture of bergamot, patchouli, oak moss and Cistus labdanum, perfumes in the type worn by elderly ladies present at the time of early youth, and sensual blossoming.
* Bel Respiro (podparyska residence of Chanel): the smell of green, like fresh and dewy skin leather Bag rain. You can also feel the crushed leaves on the bed of fragrant hay. Truly, truly breathe.
* Coromandel (inspired by Coco Chanel suite): oriental composition with the participation of wood resin with properties similar vanilla, and ambergris. It also contains a pinch of incense and spices of the East the toughest. I want him like a kite rain.
* No.18: created around hibiscus notes.
* Eau de Cologne: classic, fresh cologne-400ml bottle also.
Messages from Forum Portal perfumes and this blog.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Why Do My Boobs Aweat
present in the database, often sharp and angular sandalwood does not dominate the composition, there is a solid background, board on which the artist painted a pastel landscape watercolor paints, breath of peace. Creamy Musk posuwiście anoints the final chords, vanilla deliciously rounded them.
Individual notes resonate in the chorus line from time to time, allowing yourself to a short solo performances, all with a keen, unwavering pace imposed by the rhythm section of ambergris. The composition is
very well balanced, softly humming. I do not understand how it can be associated with wrzeszczącym Angel.
notes - and there are a lot of amber, bergamot oil, bitter and sweet orange, mandarin flower, Indian mimosa, rose essence, balsam of Peru, Indonesian patchouli oil, raspberry blossom, rosewood, French resin labdanum, tonka bean, the essence vanilla, musk and Indian sandalwood.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Funniest Fake Illnesses

friendly sounds!
I actually like the most beautiful friendship, thanks to its open, gorącemu heart. And how true friendship, which matures and is sometimes difficult years, this tea is no piss Veronica, no washings from the third brew, no green leaves rozmoczone, or of unknown origin przemielony pale dust in tissue paper - a truly infernal herrrrbata! Hot, black, aromatic, and the saturation of sugar thick as tar. I feel its syrupy consistency in the language and I know I do not mind winter frosts, icy hearts, autumn depression and turmoil - Lapsang Souchong, exploding hides it all in a puff of black, high-calorie, smoked a couple. Tea for Two, a celestial phenomenon manifested in the three states of aggregation. So, boiling water poured from on high on the list, that these may be in the pre-brewing good atmospheric oxygen - a volatile liquid phase of this is not a couple, a wood smoke, which soaked tea during smoking, so thick that until opaque, pungent mind in a very exciting way for matter of bergamot. then the liquid phase - the very essence of the darkest of the teas flavored with ginger and cinnamon sharpness. A friend of long conversations until the pale dawn przywoływaczka smile from the depths of the eyes, a magnifying glass to read the recesses of the soul. And when I almost finish, is only a few sips of refreshing density - at the bottom of the cup, he settled honey, crushed guaiac wood and twisted like braids of smoke, long and fleshy coffee grounds, predicting a good future. Sweetness on the tongue and throat, bliss in the heart, and deep in the bowels joyous feeling that incarnate and posmakowało little Carpe Diem, that this is the essence of life.
Olivio Giacobetti , greet you at the feet of the most wonderful, optimistic interpretation of this very demanding drink, the carrier, but a difficult flavor What perfume is tea.
Notes: bitterness, neroli, bergamot, cinnamon, ginger, Lapsang Souchong , anise, honey, vanilla, guaiac wood.
Durability: excellent, a few hours.
Drivrutin Easy Grabber
Kyoto is the word - the Japanese "yes."
skośnooką uttered by Mary to żółtoskórego Archangel Gabriel Annunciation when the secret behind the paper wall. Uttered with absolute certainly, unflinchingly, with humility and a growing bitterness on the edge of the throat and tongue. Yes, she knows that she will drive a lot. Yes, without a single scream virgin przymie divinity in yourself and then be born without a groan. Later, in full will be silently watch as her son grows up to death. Finally, the same die quietly in heavenly peace przeszytego through the heart.
Maria knows everything. He does not understand, understand is not necessarily the case.
dropped his head.
Somewhere beyond the world was made handles, hand omnipotentna switched crossover caught speeding space disappearing in the darkness of the track.
What did you say, Mario?
Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let me according to thy word.
Hai is a short moment, it is pozarozumowym whim imperfect beings, to which you applied too much. It seems that the simple interior of the pagoda gradually subdued it. This is very misleading - its consequences leave a distinct groove on the face of time.
Hai, short breath, almost a whisper that reached to the stars. Bottomless blackness of the universe looking sternly upon the earth: that a good thing?
Hai, a man's breath is still thunder sweeping under high heaven.
Hai, trytowy stone, which he constantly fights the precise cascade of events.
Notes: frankincense, cypress oil, coffee, teak wood, vetiver, patchouli, amber, everlasting, cedar.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Denise Milani Görsel
or age-old problem of the series: I do not have nothing to wear!
increasingly concerned my perfume. yes, I'm filled with a wardrobe, but sometimes I do not know quite what to wear.
a couple of days hand hovers over a basket of FUP-s *, and instead probably reach the end, the ranges, trembles, reverses. dresses! or even just poking. thoughts on race are tripping over each other, time is running out, the hand is getting more tired. Test cork - no, it's not. This purple before scratching in the throat, and he wore last too often ... Finally, take a proven classic, and spraying up - PPEA PPEA - and no more - without conviction. then forget that anything at all I was wearing, a delektowaniu August there is no smell. that the unfriendly aura? maybe. all the guys that wind? but then there are days when it blows even harder, and perfume was then two and three layers of August as pallored scarves, twinkling colors, surprising combinations of notes. not today. not this January.
what I need? lean collections or news? But perhaps this first, because nieobwąchanych odors in the box I have a plethora of samples, but the passion to learn something new is in my uwiądzie. I hope this is temporary. moreover, a feast awaits me tomorrow, come to me 5 new and kinds, including two unknown. imagination can be awakened. ___________________________
* FUP - Frequently Used Perfumes, CUP in Polish
Friday, January 5, 2007
Cellebrite Update Ume 24
was asked about the beginning of perfume madness. So I reached for the memory years not so old, though very remote, because in the meantime a lot has happened.
> Girls, and how Count to a million years, as pusciłyście rein;)?
I had my 27th I discovered allegro, I had incredibly high scholarship and low expenses - as in a dorm. I was a freshly baked married guy with a good hand for money. What could I do?
my last thoughts led me to the conclusion that the size of the collection really comes down to choice, who wants to be: a person simply uses perfume or the collector?
thought until recently that I want to be the first;
recently that they do not deceive ourselves, and that I am definitely the latter!
confirmed me in what my husband today, bringing my newly acquired from the store cupboard for perfume "because there already you baby does not fit."
and I'm okay with that, and I do not want to dispose of the bottles, with real pleasure that I extend once - twice a year ... I count it a pleasure, rather than the frequency of its occurrence.
and that the mob has this Radocha occasion - it's very good in the end you live once and once only you can give yourself to others - in one form or another;)
Braces For Missing Molar
or changed the look of your blog.
I even thought about moving to a platform for the newspaper, but a blogger at the last moment is saved by introducing sensible apgrejdy, so for now staying here.
as it is now entirely up to me.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Graphics Woman Strangling Man
write only about those that I was able to reliably test. all the rest (and it is the sea) remain to be discovered.
first Ambre Sultan Serge Lutens - primus inter pares, archetypal, primary. odor billowing, thick, fleshy, dark cloth hiding a secret. this cosmically durable surrounding aura. innovative combination of herbs was a bold move in this case, a genius.
second Prada - honorable second place thanks to a composition of lightness to wear Prada. in this respect is the opposite of the leader of the ranking. big round of applause for the connection with the spaciousness of sensuality, for the casual, cheerful scarf for the winter.
third L'Artisan Ambre Extreme - Amber raw, semi leather. very clean and true. without unnecessary frills, twists, no misunderstandings. I appreciate the simplicity of the concept. wearing it sucks.
4th Ambre Russe d'Empire Parfumerie - smell from the vast soul, filled with bimbrem the fallen plums. then - as it happens in ambrze - sweet, soft and slightly windy but, worryingly.
5th Costume National Scent - I wrote about him is all. that in this ranking is barely the fifth due to the fact that it is much more than just smell ambrowym.
6th Ambre Soie Armani Prive - a poor place is the result of great expectations, rather than a weakness composition. However, when lutensowskim the smell was just a cienkusz! Amber is faithful to the ideal, full of light and space - like the Scent, moreover, the similarity of these two I have written - lightly spiced fruit, very nice - but then to justify its status in the world of perfumiaskim, and cost, especially in this miserable life - not really I know.
7th L'Occitane Ambre - Amber just a nice, simple and fast disappearing. such as skin and heart. not much I can say about it good.
8th Ambre Narguille Hermessence - I paid it a separate entry. wtop, for how else to call ambergris ambergris without, but with jabłuszkami and caramel? to it even though I wore a nice, but not.
unfortunately I was not more Laura Mercier Ambre Passion for what should be a few profane words of the Polish Post. its employees revel in obtłukiwanie hammer bubble envelopes suspected of valuable content. thanks I got a beautifully fragrant, not even wet paper.