Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What Is Throat Cancer Color Ribbon?
Nibyiza tumenya ko abantu abo mu turibo bwami bw'Imana yacu Kuko uko twiyita bitugiraho ingaruka igihe cyo kurwana intambara nziza iyi yo gukiranuka wall as mugihe bamwe cyo gutanga imyirondoro Yabo bakunze gukoresha ijambo rigira rite; nitwa .... nd'umukozi .............. w'Imana nkaba nkora ibi nibi ..............,
Ncuti nziz arukuba UMWANA nokuba UMUKOZI Muruga kwa Data nikihe giteye ischemia? Waruziko umukozi ABA Afit imbago Muruga kwa shebuja? arik Umwana ntagira imbago Muruga kwa up ..... tekereza unemployment ese nde wiyita him bwami bw'Imana Data wa twese? Niba Ushaka kumenya byinshi komeza ujye Usura delivered rubuga uzahasanga nizindi nyigisho zagufasha gukurira unemployment Muruga kwa Data,
Ncuti ihatire gushaka kumenya ukur kuko no konyine kubatura
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Can You Catch Toxoplasmosis From Goats
work awareness of long bones gives us a sense of wellbeing. The quality of movement that succeeded in producing the regulation of muscle tone, increased awareness of the skeleton, the improvement of balance and lightness to move.
Some of these words are used as slogans in this work as, for example:
Hold you arm yourself
build you
Both feelings and words serve as a frame for movement / dance itself unfolds in space.
The connection between the bone segments we thank the kinesthetic sense. This sense allows us to collect the bones, joints, tendons, muscles and body position in space, among other things. With training and experience in this sense, the perception of the entire skeleton as the foundation of the body occurs at any time. This gives us a sense of inner security and strength. Valuable resources to be worn in our daily struggle.
Excerpt from poem "Against Death" Gonzalo Rojas (Chile, 1917-2011)
I have no other business to be here telling the truth
in the middle of the street and all the winds:
the truth of being alive, living alone,
with your feet land and the skeleton free in this world.
............................................. .................................................. ....
E XPRESSION Body-Dance. The voice
Individual classes: Custom Work Schedule to be agreed
Group classes : Tuesday at 19:00
Duration: 1 hour and a half
reduced Tariff: $ 100
Songs in the body
Wednesday 19:00 Duration: 1 hour and a half
Tariff : $ 130
Awakening the senses in touch with nature Despertà
Solar Water Bearer 45500 Route 2 km
Saturday 14 May.
10:00 to 17:00 Fee: $ 100 Early Registration
Ask for more details
Caballito. (Zone pque Rivadavia)
Almagro New Workspace: Traces of the art. Bulnes y Guardia Vieja
Cristina Soloaga
156 685 3926 4902 0722
Jpcenney Salons Prices
l'm so glad to have this blog for my first time it will be my great space to share my daily life with people who know me. Thanks to the LORD.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cheap Rentals In Ocean City Md For Senior Week
How soothe the little panic, the faces of people dogs with crosses you and yours, pushing and de-humanization in general?.
I leave a practical guide to make a conscious walk.
That your body will not succumb in the heat of the city. Put
- attention in the footsteps of the soles of the feet.
- Awareness and deposit the body weight at each step.
- Feeling the pressure of the footsteps on the floor.
- Push it to the floor. That every step we take forward.
- foot is behind the floor pushes back to project forward.
- flexible knees ... funny.
- From the top of your head, I felt it pushes up. The opposite of what you do with your feet. Simultaneous two opposite directions.
- If at any time you can feel the relationship between the two thrusts, the feet and the top of your head feel light weight, elongation, relief.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Possible Four Digit Combination Calculator

A way to be alert, vital and powerful is the work we do on the position.

Body Language in the base position in the bone alignment. Awareness and good use of skeletal muscles or postural serve to clear the superficial muscles or dynamic. When the muscle is weakened postural muscles is dynamic which is responsible for sustaining the consequent clumsiness and excessive fatigue.
Awareness and the movement from the bones and joints, raise the level of muscle tone of the musculature, and therefore, it eases the muscle dynamics. This generates a feeling of lightness in the movements. Armed with such lightness in the body we are on alert or availability, ready for action at all times.
When muscle tone is flexible and adapted allows us to adapt to every situation with the necessary adjustment. The variation of muscle fibers (pitch) is present in the answers to all the experiences, learning, emotional experiences, emotional, rational society that make the uniqueness of each individual.
One way to know, to some extent, the level of our muscle tone is through the observation of gestures, attitudes, ways of being in our body.
attitude / skills of observation or presence refers to the ability to perceive in different moments of everyday life and realize for example, if we are unnecessarily with clenched fists, gritted teeth if we are to feel pain jaw joint, as if our eyes are going out of their sockets, etc.
are the attitudes and gestures that speak of the tone quality and are always accompanied by emotions, feelings, etc.
are vital sections of our history that are skin, bone, joint, muscle .....
The Body Language classes are trained perception through sensory perception and movement from different intentions to discover, balance and muscle tone varied.
The goal is to have our vitality in the desired direction.
Individual classes: Custom Work Schedule to be agreed
Group Classes: Tuesday at 19:00
Duration: 1 hour and a half
reduced Tariff: $ 100
Songs in the body
Wednesday 19:00 Duration: 1 hour and a half
Fee: $ 130
Awakening the senses in touch with nature Despertà
Solar Water Bearer 45500 Route 2 km
Saturday 14 May.
10:00 to 17:00 Fee: $ 100 Early Registration
Ask for more details
Caballito. (Zone pque Rivadavia)
New space Focus: The footprint of the art. Bulnes y Guardia Vieja
Cristina Soloaga
156 685 3926 4902 0722
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Diagram On French Kiss
Facts .... non stop dancing ...
Congress of Psychiatry. Buenos Aires
Dancing also prevent mental disorders
The Taragana Fernando says expert in gerontopsychiatry
Taragana Fernando, Argentina Association of Psychiatrists .
Like it or not, much of the current psychology and psychiatry are indelible traces considered Cartesian dualism of mind and body as two opposing substances. However, in his inaugural speech of the 17 th International Congress of Psychiatry, which just ended in this city, Dr. Fernando Taragana, president of the Congress and responsible gerontopsychiatry area of \u200b\u200bthe Argentina Association of Psychiatrists launched a provocative claim: that in a country whose population is aging rapidly,
the best preventive intervention in mental health for the next 30 years is ... physical activity, as walking, swimming, cycling or dancing! .
"If the population continues to grow at its current pace, by 2040 we will have more than three million people 65 years or more, with
anxiety, depression, insomnia and vascular dementia ,
Taragana says. Our mission is to prevent, to get people not only live longer but also live better.
"Being active brings many benefits at any time of life. But at a certain age, aerobic intervention is a medical treatment."
-surprising that the activity proposed to treat psychological problems. We tend to identify psychiatric therapy with Freud's couch ...
"However, both approaches are not opposed at all. We must expand our formulary.
"In a way, do you propose to reconcile body and mind?
"This does not mean or go against therapies or against drugs. But that is after an event. Before is prevention, and in that sense, among the most important factors are modifiable, are the psychosocial.
- What are the proven effects of aerobic activity?
-Reduces the risk of depression, anxiety and insomnia, and increases energy levels and wellbeing.
- Is there a precise moment that should be implemented?
- There is a window of opportunity. Love is beautiful in all ages, but at the beginning of existence it configures and constitutive of our mental structure. Similarly,
exercise in youth is very good for many reasons, but after 50 years is transformed into a medical intervention, because it returns oxygen, returns to the vascular endothelial function and reverses many medical conditions processes .
"If it's so easy to practice, what attributes are not routinely use physical activity as psychological therapy?
- I really like what you said Epictetus says that 55 years after Christ. He wondered if it would be impossible to change what is thought control. Psychiatrists and psychologists hear all the time: "I, if I want, I quit tomorrow," "Tomorrow I start doing gymnastics" or "Cocaine I do not control, I leave when I want ". If a thought to control something, difficult to modify. And on the other hand, psychiatrists still do not know how to use the aerobic activity in psychiatry, because this is new all over the world, not only in Buenos Aires and Argentina, but also in Switzerland, Austria, in Oxford. .. We must respond to the impact that changing population structures generated in the quality of care.
- Is accepting patients?
"We look and say" no, doctor, give me a pill. " Aerobic intervention is badly accepted, and yet reduce the risk of early death, heart disease and hypertension, and even colon cancer. Provide better weight control, lower levels of diabetes, increase bone strength and improving balance. And if adults are going to be so, better be healthy.
Workshops: Body Language, Dance.
opened new areas. Bulnes 892. CABA
Songs in the body.
-Body Expression Dance Day: Saturday May 14. 10 to 17Hs
Solar Water Bearer. Abasto. La Plata
Monday, April 11, 2011
Emmanuelle Simon-dannewald

We will give the briefing in Lebensohn Foundation on Saturday April 16 at 19:00.
you there!
Presentation: 5 modules 2 hours each.
· I Module: violence and the anchor body. Proprioceptive senses.
· II Module : violence and social ties. Exteroceptive senses. Communication.
· Module III : violence and the new ways. Creativity and Masks.
· Module IV : the game in its original state.
· Module V : drawing conclusions.
Aimed at parents, students, teachers and anyone interested in this topic
Tuesday 19:00 to 20:30
Open. Confirms your attendance
Find a space where you feel comfortable / o.
Find some time in the week that the speed can stop and listen.
work supports, body alignment and shaft. The disposition of the body, muscle tone, respiratory rate. The qualities of movement. the different spaces you inhabit.
body language as a means of communication. The voices that come and identify us.
Explore new ways (messages) to develop creativity and playability. Enjoy
the plot that holds our own dance .
Workshop: Songs in the body
Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30 Open
. Confirm your attendance . Lyrics
(pieces of the song Pedro Guerra)
Each song is a memory
embraced as tapestry
we could embroider.
work the current status register:
bearings and shafts. Muscle tone. Breathing rate position
Awareness vocal apparatus. Sound emission. The voices that identify us.
apply techniques of sensory perception, touch, touch, breathing , esferodinamia, play and creativity.
"A song is ... culture, history, feelings, emotions ...... mystery." Select the song you're going to work.
custom classes. hours to be arranged. We work from your needs.
Caballito. Parque Rivadavia. Almagro
RSVP. 4903-0722
156 685 3926
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Does Van Halen Still Smoke
T orkshops: Body Language, Dance
Tuesday 19:00 to 20:30 Open
. Reserve your assistance
Find a space where you feel comfortable / o.
Find some time in the week that the speed can stop and listen.
work supports, body alignment and shaft. The disposition of the body, muscle tone, respiratory rate. The qualities of movement. the different spaces you inhabit.
body language as a means of communication. The voices that come and identify us.
Explore new ways (messages) to develop creativity and playability. Enjoy
the plot that holds our own dance
Workshop: Songs in the body
Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30 Open
. Confirm your attendance .
Lyrics (pieces of the song Pedro Guerra)
Each song is a memory
embraced as tapestry
we could embroider.
A song for a moment a soul, that life
settles and leaves.
A song is a travel book
has embroidered light was
.......................................... ......... Pedro Guerra
work the current status register:
bearings and shafts. Muscle tone. Breathing rate position
Awareness vocal apparatus. Sound emission. voices that identify us.
sensoperception techniques are applied, touch-contact, breathing esferodinamia, play and creativity.
"A song is ... culture, history, feelings, emotions ...... mystery."
Select the song you're going to work.
Caballito. Parque Rivadavia. 4903-0722
RSVP 156 685 3926