In the Orient for over 5000 years the human being is regarded as a set of body, mind and spirit and the rule is that only health is the balance of these elements. Amid the flurry
of each day, most times we do not even mind the posture of our body, the thoughts that run over our mind, emotions that are causing us to act in one way or another, experiencing emotions and even thousands of at least we become aware of them considering that we live on "autopilot" trying to do everything at once and without giving time for ourselves.
Each set is what you see, what you hear, what you say, what they do, what stops do and what to eat.
The cause of all diseases is the accumulation of toxins in the body. Adopting measures to eliminate the accumulated toxins and prevent new toxins to accumulate the human health will be in the true sense of the word.
health or lack of it is the result of our daily actions.
A body well fed, well prepared with digestion and eliminating toxins, ie, a balanced body produces energy that makes your eyes shine. The
so famous adage "You are what you eat," and the famous phrase of a philosopher "healthy mind, healthy body" can be translated together, the mind will be healthy if the body you are and this needs to be well fed, hydrated and oxygenated, because if not the body is unbalanced, it will be deregulated and accumulate toxins which certainly will cause some kind of disease.
imbalance in the body, with accumulation of toxins is to drop alert as fat accumulation, high blood pressure, uncontrolled glucose levels, stress, irritability, headache, and instead we have verified what is happening go to the doctor and treat Wary of the body and not worry about what caused the alert.
In many cases the warning comes from excess toxins in the body and the absence of any food that is necessary for the body to function perfectly and that most of the time or do not eat because we are not used or because they do not like and how we treat the symptom caused by the alert still do not eat the food necessary for our body is restored and balanced.
We are all alike .... we look like we have the same internal organs, the same skeletal form .... but each one is individual ... has a genetic makeup, your metabolic type, your way of living and that associated with eating and how to accumulate toxins or eliminate them. Why a certain drug is effective for some and no effect for others.
Wondering that has to do with the TEPS .... all because the TEPS is exactly .... analyze the individual human being .... as they feed, than eat, what they do, what you feel, the problems they have and then a first step will detoxify the body and then add to food that is necessary for the body to restore and provide the person to recover and remain healthy without accumulating toxins through food, hydration and oxygenation. And as the TEPS uses only natural foods that we use in everyday life it can be practiced by anyone and take care of any health problem and is also very effective for weight loss because it does not take away none of the normal power of the person and does not cause suffering, because the person does not cease to eat what you like and normally eat.
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