Ro says:
You know what is osteopenia
teps2006@hotmail.com says yes know
Ro says:
You can give me something your
teps2006@hotmail.com says
'll pass to find you here so that my research and studies ok
teps2006@hotmail.com says
and so on by ta share some.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Osteopenia: Prevention begins in pregnancy
Because osteopenia is a natural aging process of bones, it is impossible to avoid it. But you can delay it, and especially to avoid the risk of falling victim to crippling osteoporosis through a balanced diet, exercise and sun exposure. But the healthy behavior should be adopted throughout life, not only after 40 years.
Ro says: says
type of power
Ro says: thanks for
saw my research laughed.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
yes we can treat it by using food as medicine
natural remedies and without the so-called pharmacological
teps2006@hotmail.com says
During pregnancy, the mother who cares to eat more calcium and breastfeeding the child as long as possible helps a lot to the formation of a strong skeleton in the baby. Then, during childhood and adolescence to the end, the child must consume large quantities of dairy products and sports practice, because it is the most intense period of training and physical development.
Ro says :
teps2006@hotmail.com says
She must have called attention to the critical stages: pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, when there is too much calcium loss. From the 40, all women should get tested annually to control because estrogen production is already falling or about a. Men are less likely, but must be evaluated, because osteoporosis is not uncommon among them.
Ro says:
men knew of the possibility
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Some doctors believe the first step toward osteoporosis. For others it is part of the process natural aging. For this therapist here, you can take care and slow down its development using food as medicine and herbal medicine and the results are excellent.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Unrelated to this scientific debate, many patients are shocked to discover that her bone density accuses a result of below normal, classified as osteopenia. Should not be scared, but whether or prepare for envelhicimento because this is a natural process of life.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
But unfortunately most people are worried or just to get along in life and not be well in life and well with her.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
But before you think the bones may break if jostled any stronger, it would be good to keep in mind that the correct reading of a bone densitometry (OD) depends on several factors and evaluation made.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Moreover, osteopenia - a reduction of bone mineral density - is controllable. And the DO is becoming a standard test for women over 40 years, but men should also be careful.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Upon approaching the menopause, a woman begins to produce less estrogen, a hormone important for the formation of bone tissue. But all this can be controlled with good power and is what I do with my collaborators.
Ro says:
Ro says:
read something about a therapist Usp ... comes with power.
Ro says:
I asked this question .... I pass by this process.
Ro says:
is a woman
Ro says:
well .... but I'm with you fal
teps2006@hotmail.com says
is actually a team
teps2006@hotmail.com says, but
I do not care because I know that the TEPS therapy I have been developing for over 25 years and it works well and is for the welfare of all.
Ro says :
good dems.
Ro says:
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Without the recycling of tissue, there is a reduction of the mass of the skeleton, and a significant decrease in bone mass can lead to osteoporosis, a serious disease that makes bones porous and increases the risk of fractures.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
In men, the process is slower, but they can also develop osteoporosis. Painless, the DO is to take a radiograph of the skeleton, spine or hips, for example.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
and then to properly evaluate
teps2006@hotmail.com says
(the TEPS) therapy has the three pillars many important points, nutrition, hydration and oxygenation, complemented by herbal, floral and reiki.
Ro says:
teps2006@hotmail.com says: Yes
Hydration. As I was putting
in the report delivered to the patient, the radiograph is accompanied by a table, which indicates that the density of the bones of that person, comparing it with that of a young individual of the same sex.
Ro says:
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Where are considered normal values \u200b\u200babove -1. Results from -1 to -2.5 osteopenia and characterize, from -2.5, osteoporosis. Separately, a classification in the range of osteopenia is not sufficient for an accurate diagnosis.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Some people, for example, which have a lower bone density than the average for all life - is a characteristic of the organism that individual human being, after all every one is a single Being.
Ro says: I know ... sorry
live far away ...
teps2006@hotmail.com says
Furthermore, osteopenia is only one risk factor for osteoporosis. "Age, menstrual cycle, cases of osteoporosis in the family, illness, use of any medications that cause bone loss, nutrition, smoking, alcohol and sedentary are other points that should be evaluated, as well as their emotional transitions and wear that human being, "says
Ro: You're a
teps2006@hotmail.com say sorry because
Ro says: PENALTY
teps2006@hotmail.com says
This is not true, because the TEPS is used by people in various countries like Japan, Portugal, Spain and others over the internet.
There's more The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 4 women will have osteoporosis after menopause. therefore worth off to care for while you can.
Ro says:
my angel.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
In males, the incidence is lower: 1 in 8, after 60 years.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
A study in Rio de Janeiro in 2270 patients 49-69 years.
Results of the study published this year found that 34% had normal results, 47% and 19% osteopenia and osteoporosis.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
wonder: Is that a few years, all 1,070 patients with osteopenia will suffer fractures due to osteoporosis?
Maybe yes, maybe no, but certainly those who take care of themselves naturally have greatly reduced their odds.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
After all: "The loss of bone mass is inherent to human aging," says
In speaking of treatment, studies have shown that although the tests DO are showing high rates of cases of osteopenia and osteoporosis, only a small portion of the population in Brazil and the world is being treated properly. In my opinion relays the appropriate treatment that is done naturally through nutrition, hydration and oxygenation as it does,
teps2006@hotmail.com says
with TEPS
teps2006@hotmail.com says
do not rule out drugs, hormone replacement therapy, but changes in diet, in the hydration and oxygenation of the body through the TEPS and light exercise are some of the options available.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
make an appointment to visit without http://teps-terapia.blogspot.com
or http://teps-terapia.zip.net
teps2006@hotmail.com says :
well if u want to do our therapy put me to disposal.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
and it can be done even you being in Rio and I do not
teps2006@hotmail.com says, when you solve
and to resolve'll always be here, you know my email.
teps2006@hotmail.com says
take care girl, after all the physical and mental health is the most precious thing you have. Cheers.
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