Monday, May 2, 2011

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Day Dance! April 29. This comment is worth! Back


International Dance Day 2011

"I think that dance is a celebration of what makes us human. When we dance, we use a very natural way, the mechanisms of our body and all our senses to express joy, sadness, something that touches our hearts. People dancing to celebrate the crucial moments of their lives and our bodies bear the brunt of the memory of all possible human experiences.

We can dance solo and group dance. We can share what unites us, what makes us different from each other. For me, dancing is a way of thinking. Through dance we embody more abstract ideas and even reveal what we can not see what we can not name.

Dance is a link between people, a bridge between heaven and earth. We bring the world into our bodies. After all, I think that every moment of dance is part of a wider role in a choreography which has no beginning or end. "

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

(Translation by the journal ARTEZ)

Message Official World Dance Day
by Prof. Alkis Raftis President of the International Dance Council CID

"For most of the history of mankind, the dance is performed outdoors. The people gathered in forest clearings, eras, town squares, cemeteries, to enjoy dancing for hours hours. These days, dance, mostly takes place in dance halls, nightclubs, stadiums, theaters, school hallways, or academies.
This year we plan to step to nature with the celebration of World Dance Day open spaces: streets, plazas, parks, stadiums, beaches, parks, forests ... in any place under heaven.
Passion for Dance is a natural impulse, the dancers connect with the universe and feel poured nature within themselves.
Throughout the year, give or take dance classes, rehearsing, and act within four walls. On this special day dedicated to Dance, we will make a difference by practicing, teaching or action at the sight. It can be cold and raining, and certainly on a ground not good enough, with a wind that carries the music from a distance, but the beauty of movement and joy on the faces brighten the hearts of the public who make spontaneous transients.

Dance Message-T. Network workers Dance
(Red Danza-T. workers of the Dance, is a platform that brings together professional associations of dance in Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia, Euskadi, Galicia, Andalusia and Canary Islands)

Mensajes del Día Internacional de la Danza 2011

By Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Alkis Raftis, President of the International Dance Council CID, and Dance-T. Network



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