Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What To Do With Pleurisy

Which of the 2 cups you'll accept from now on??

If my league!

Public Utility

The amazing water effects:


Read until END


A glass of water shut down the sense of hungry during the night to almost 100% of people in the scheme.

This is shown by a study at the University of Washington.

Lack of water is the #. 1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back pain and joints in 80% of people suffering from these ailments.

A mere 2% drop in the water human body can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or a printed page.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of cancer in
colon in 45 %, can decrease the risk of breast cancer in
79% and 50% less likely to develop cancer in



In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coca-Cola in the trunk to be used in removing blood from the highway after an accident .

If you put a bone in a bowl of Coca-Cola he will be gone in two days.

To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola inside the pot and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush.

The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china .

To remove rust spots from chrome bumper car Rub the bumper with a wad of aluminum foil (used for wrapping food) dipped in Coca-Cola .

To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coca-Cola inside the machine with the clothes grease, add detergent.
The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains.

The Coca-Cola also helps clear the fog from the windshield of your car.

For your information: The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid . Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.

Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the increase in osteoporosis .
few years ago, did a search in Germany to detect why the onset of osteoporosis in children and from 10 years (tweens). Result: Excess Coca-Cola, for lack of parental guidance.

To carry the syrup Coca-Cola, the commercial trucks are identified with the board Hazardous Material that is reserved for the transport of highly corrosive materials.

distributors Coca-Cola have used Coke to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.

Another detail: The Diet Coke has been increasingly seen by doctors and researchers as a time bomb because of the combination + Coke Aspartame on suspicion of causing lupus and degenerative diseases of the nervous system.


Do not forget to forward this message to your friends, your children, they should be thankful ...
Although only later realize how much this your scrap is of paramount importance for the quality of life in the future, if that future is there for them with quality.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Canon Rebel Xti Hacked Firmware



The TEPS is just one therapy and was developed by a Brazilian, professor, educator, writer, researcher and therapist.

The TEPS acts in a natural way to remedy the ills of CAUSES the human body.

The TEPS regulates all your body, eliminating weight and regulates the bowel, diabetes, lowers rates bad cholesterol, among other causes and evils.




The TEPS causes your body to retain only the necessary fat and transforms it into energy for you to support the natural wear and tear of your workday. The TEPS


The TEPS should be used responsibly and with monitoring therapeutic .

The TEPS is an individualized therapy that regulates and restores the body. The TEPS improves quality of life because the person detoxifies, it is much more prepared, more healthy.


Revolutionary! But True!




Remove weight:

Alzheimer's disease:
alzheimersj @ hotmail.com


Figure Skates Breaking In Boots Arch Pain


During all these years I have been researching the Learning Difficulties, ie since 1974, and more profoundly since 1982, when there the problem within my family life.

Since then, I'm trying to understand the learning difficulties, having studied various scholars, researchers, national and foreign writers.

While it is true that in 2001, Basil Blackwell, edited and published the book:

Learning Disabilities in Elementary Education.

More than 20 years studying and dedicating myself to understand all this complex and complicated world of learning crib, school, academic and life.

my studies of these learning processes, we studied the brain, its functioning, we studied the pedagogy of teaching, psychology, medicine, behavior social, political behavior, we studied both in short, more so, to conceive that we know nothing or that we know too much, which is the same.

When I say complex world of learning, and he really is because it is not just a matter of brain functioning, is not only a social issue, it is not just a matter school / education. I say complex because in reality all these issues are interconnected in order to be so complex that we became specialists, without having actually reached the bottom, serna this complex structural features that is our brain, as the top experts ground universe, has not and never have explanations of all its complex workings. Considering that the most renowned experts has an absolute truth on the subject, and this is proved easily by everything that has been and is written in black and white, in magazines, in books specializing in the world, where today we have a truth and tomorrow I will have another, everything depends on the angle and point of view and departure of every citizen concerned about this or that particular moment of his life, the moment you cross in life and the world, and here we include all situations since the famine, politics, research, academia, religion.

And from these moments, as I said the complex world of learning, said it also complicated, because they were not enough the complexity of this whole world, this web of information and yet we make it complicated because we always want to be more or having more and then we make the simple complex world of learning in a simple complicated world of learning, and I would say here that the system here is rough.

And when I say here, I say in the world, the universe, at home, the system is inoperative and so crude that the simplicity of life and learning go unnoticed by the unwillingness to perform, only to be realized, but where all goes through the process of wills, these wills ranging from basic needs every human being on the face of this planet, even the mere will of greed, ignorance, where the values \u200b\u200bare no values \u200b\u200bor no values. Could say with inverted values.

Where curative medicine and the study of cause, has become palliative, mining and finance, an overdose of greed or rather meaningless where the only direction is financial success, it is not important as to obtain the same, how many lives will reaping for that to happen. Where

social policy does the same thing, where all the sciences have divided to Garate just a good success financially, so he said and I say, everything goes through the more complicated and deluded mind human, which lies to himself, believing that anything goes to just have good finances, where the human being has value only by the size of your pocket.

Where human life no longer has value, where the simplicity that works, can not be practiced simply and only, where the complicated and that has value, where the moral and social values \u200b\u200bare the most impractical things in this crude system that we live today where happiness, love, solidarity, many other simple things finally started to be goals and almost impossible to achieve.

So we see the evils of conditioning and human daily life, today, many diseases create unimaginable and they indeed they are, they are an invention to attract proactive values \u200b\u200bfor enriquicimento material detriment of the quality of human life is worth thinking here, that every invention and human evolution, radio, tv, newspapers, magazines and everything else that was created and called evolution has served and is serving for?

And so I started thinking to see life, problems, health, education, medicine, pedagogy, psychology otherwise much simpler, simple and even naive before the monsters of human reality. And within

new way of seeing life, I believe that the only conclusion he could arrive, I will live life as it is and presents itself to me in a simple and uncomplicated and there I realized that a simple way open, honest and loving to live, complicated in the face of so great is how the manipulation of human conditioning, where it is certain wrong, wrong is right, and here again I realized how much our education is based on lies, and it begins at home, here in the cradle and here again I ask: How to solve the problems of learning disabilities in elementary school?

If the problem is structural, it's sperm, womb, pregnancy, this intrinsic in our genetic makeup, passed from father to son and mother from the beginning of time.

And here I realized that my simplicity and how to live my life, goes against the greed of the powerful and the power saw, the skin felt the power of satan in sheep's clothing, sitting in my office telling me


I just want to be loved and be happy, I did nothing!

was when I woke up to reality and the simplicity of life started to return me to my children with no shoes, no books, no clothes, no home, no mother, no father and hungry, how to educate them?, Which do with them?, what to do for them?

looked in books, magazines, newspapers, TV and radio to do, and all I saw, I had already seen, read and reread, these twenty-odd years of study and life, but among all these books, education, medicine, pedagogy, educational psychology, there was also that I had already read and reread, he stared for hours and hours, but not reread.

I went back to other books and what was presented was always the same things, only changed the ways of saying and doing, which has already been done so long as the above project which was applied by me for some years and worked as everything else works, but its renewal was not, nor is it different from other existing worldwide.

Until I decided to put aside the embarrassment and I snatched that book cover black and started reading it again and it was the confirmation of my studies, the TEPS surguindo - Therapy Education Food and Weight Elimination Without Suffering, together with all other scientific studies have made since the early 1974 and further from 1982 / 3 and there will be about 22 years, giving me more quality of life and more happiness.

Quality of life and happiness to me and the people who practiced the TEPS this time because their health improved considerably, his heart, his high-esteem, and finally started to live better and happier too, based on scientific principles of human evolution and religious principles existing in all Bibles, arrangements or regiments of sects, religions and philosophies of life, why not tell us that scientific and biblical principles are revealed and we show that: Without
Hydration, Without Food and Without Oxygen there is no life and much less good life, resulting therefrom to the principle of the body, healthy mind, and as a result of love and happiness itself.

And within this scientific principle and religious've been developing this whole process simple, even simplistic, to improve the quality of life of those with Alzheimer's disease, the obese, the Learning Disabilities, Children and Elderly people with low self-esteem and other factors psycho character, educational and medical.

There are these three pillars of TEPS - hydration, nutrition and oxygenation, have added to herbal medicine and oriental medicine, where the quality of life by combining science-religion and the factors mentioned above have greatly facilitated the lives of those who practice the TEPS, because it does not need belief, you need to PRACTICE and just works, and is ridiculously based on everything that has been written, spoken, and almost never practiced correctly, or perhaps discredited by ignorance, greed and human evil.

But that matters little to me because I can not see the need lies that can be enriched only say that through the teachings of TEPS and scientific-academic religious and simply that the results of applications of TEPS in children with all types of learning disabilities has been pretty good, for the same feature positivadade a percentage rate of 60% in many cases the tables were applied in OBESE the result is even higher, reaching 80% of positive results for those who committed the TEPS as directed, not using any type of remedy, only hydration, food and oxygen for this, neither diet or miracle formulas or schemes, for the other 20% it was found that did not follow the instructions.

For cases of Alzheimer's, the index has been considered reasonable given the fact that science itself claims that it has no cure, then where the TEPS, aims to improve the intrinsic quality of life of those who have and live with this evil, and the people who live with them, and affirm that in this case the improvements are sucestíveis of perception in the first week, because when the patient already been bedridden and vegetative starts submit eye movements, head and limbs.

in several cases where the patient with Alzheimer's disease as a result of incontinence, presents a controlling incontinence within the first days of use of the TEPS. In other cases after about 30 to 60 days the bearer of Alzheimer's sat and walked alone, and by the accounts diminished labyrinthitis and memory lapses, so that several of them came back to do some chores normally like knitting , crochet, sew on a button, make your prório coffee, wash the yard, putting clothes to wash and take a bath alone, began to recognize close relatives and more longíncuos, others went back to read write, speak other languages, something that medicine and doctors as hopeless and irreversible has happened.

participated in visits to doctors and psychologists of the Alzheimer's patients together with their relatives and all queries, all were unanimous that this evil has no cure.

All were unanimous in passing expensive drugs, which would be inconsistent, doing more harm than good to the Alzheimer's patient, there are so many remedies that do nothing and cause more harm to the physical body of the patient than good, finally a battery of remedies that disorganized mind and body, causing a palliative, not letting go the top body, healthy mind.

Here the TEPS and the other evils that successfully acts outside the limits of every citizen, acts naturally, as I said through the mechanical process of hydration, nutrition, oxygenation and using herbal medicine (herbs and plants) and used scientifically cataloged since the dawn of time, adding to oriental medicine, and processes therapies in high esteem by encouraging the patient to react himself against the evils afflicting it.

Of course we use as we put that prinicipios of biblical teaching are used, because Jesus Christ did not teach anyone else before giving him water and bread, that is, empty sack can not stand upright, so that cocluí child, elderly or any living human being, can not live without hydrate, oxygenate and feed themselves, so there is no way to learn, live quality without these three basic principles of science and religion.

So I say that in TEPS not have to believe, it works even for those who do not believe, just practice!

do not rule out the faith, belief, TEPS, it would be illogical of me to not do it without belief would not have developed, and how they say that the Doctors do not believe in God but only in the evolution of human intelligence and Science: Science and I did everything we could here, and discredit patients and their relatives of an improvement or even a cure, and complete: it is now with him (patient) with God. Making like Pilate, wash their hands because they do not know what else to do.

And I believe in Science in Human Evolution and God. And only by believing the Bible and study science and I got here. I know I did not do anything too exceptional, but did enough and that I was allowed by the Divine Laws and Earth and the ability to use my intelligence gathering the evolutionary divine teachings (biblical) teachings and the land (scientific journals), to give better quality of life to those in need. You may say

that's bullshit, because we know that one day all will die, but answer them with honesty and simplicity, I will die, but die well and better, if my life has quality and happiness. And happiness is only when this well, physically and mentally, and then comes all the other successes in life.

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from: Alaíde
to: TEPS
date: Thursday, 02/16/2006 17:00
subject: Recovery Cesar

As I said at the Cesar you did the tests that the doctor asked and did not nothing ..
only infection that was certainly the throat.
He stopped all medicines and teas made him q you showed me ....
During three days one says ... he took and he made the bathroom with him ... let the leaves while on his skin as you indicated. And his skin was lighter ... and it was no longer purple ... almost everything was gone. Yet I continued for another 4 days. I made the other kind of tea you indicated q and with q tb did he take a bath with tea, despite having gone all of his skin did another 3 days. He did not need to take any more medicine .... because even with the neck healed teas ... Besides taking it teas .... well he was gargling with warm ... and helped a lot. He's great ... completely cured of throat and allergy of the body.

I appreciate your attention .....
required even

A hug