Sunday, December 18, 2005

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Age as the TEPS? The TEPS
"Therapy Education Food and Elimination of weight without suffering" works and acts in all diseases

The TEPS acts to educate the brain through the body. The TEPS
acts to keep the body of anyone ever satisfied with the hydration, nutrition, and oxygenation, without the need to remove any food from day to day and the usual person. The TEPS
acts only adding hidradatação, food and oxygen to the daily lives of people until it becomes a natural habit in your life. The TEPS
acts by becoming a habit, Simple, effective and disciplining of times so it can be done anywhere whether at home or work, without causing discomfort
. The TEPS
acts because it regards the hours of rest and way of life of all people who practice it. The TEPS
acts causing the lymphatic organ or region to work regularly without the need for drugs. The TEPS
acts because oxygenates the body naturally (human body) completely.
The TEPS can be done automatically by any person and any other kind of medical treatment, because there is no point in adding any kind of therapy allopathic medicine (traditional) practiced by modern medicine.
So the TEPS, acts that it requires no mental or physical effort of those who practice it, so it does not cause stress, which in most cases is the cause of many contemporary ills of modern society. The only acts
TEPS! The TEPS preference always coupled with hydration and oxygenation aliemtação.

As hydration and oxygenation act?
not allowing your body to accumulate fat not needed by your body. For moisturizing, oxygenating and feeding properly purify the human body. Because it makes the colon more effective by forming new blood, known in medical term as "haematopaises.
For the folds of the lining of the colon and intestines are activated by this method is a known fact, as the theory that fresh blood is produced in the folds of the mucosa.
So if the colon is cleaned then the nutrients from ingested food several times a day, and will be absorbed by the action of the folds in the mucosa, these will be converted into fresh blood.
And that is not absorbed will be excreted through urine and feces, including fat.
Blood is of fundamental importance in curing disease and restoring health, and for that hydration, nutrition and oxygenation should be routinely performed for and disciplined.

I would urge that the TEPS should be read and practiced carefully and strictly according to the instructions ..

Several points are evident in the message of TEPS:
The TEPS is one therapy or method and is suggested to be applied to ordinary people who have oral feeding. The TEPS
as it has suggested a hydration, nutrition and oxygenation excessive, which would also be harmful. So the TEPS causes no harm, because the hydration, nutrition and oxygenation adequately never hurt anyone.
Furthermore, the TEPS only confirm that the hydration, oxygenation and proper nutrition are essential to human life, a fact already known and proven by science. The TEPS
also suggests that hydration, nutrition and oxygenation indicated, trying to adapt it to the patient so the absorption is more efficient and is necessary for the prevention of diseases.

Note.: The TEPS therapy or method should not be seen as a "temporary crutch" must become a habit, hydration, oxygenation and proper nutrition, so daily life of any person.

The TEPS does not replace traditional medicine and not intended to be the only option for people in general. The TEPS
not only helps treat the effects, as well as the TEPS assists in the correction and the natural cause of his ailment (wrong way of life).

The TEPS does not advise eating the so-called "water more adequate" or "living water." What comes to be a "more adequate water (" living water ") to be ingested • Some believe that water, a water healthier and that's why they recommend "LIVING WATER". TEPS The water does not recommend this because it is arising from the melting (water is a lighter and tastier than the water taken directly from the tap), leaving only the center of it out and taking all the liquid coming from, but can also bring some bacteria that are harmful to the human body or to some virus diseases that are extinct or eradicated.

The TEPS is based somewhat on the teachings bíblicos.A TEPS, as well as that Jesus Christ taught and always gave all people, before anything, water and bread (food) they were sick or not, and so is the principle of TEPS recommends or suggests that people introduce into your daily routine hydration, oxygenation, and food and both are taken correctly and in amount healthy human health.

Science shows that water and grease do not mix naturally, and based on this scientific principle is that the TEPS is based, because if the water does not mix the fat, it can and is the main driver and for the removal of natural fat in the human body and thus cause the fat cells that retain the so-called "fat cells" to retain only enough fat to provide the necessary energy for the human body. The TEPS
associated hydration, oxygenation and nutrition is routinely used in life, can prevent and cure the disease already described above.

The TEPS in no way should be used recklessly or without accompaniment.

Prof. Wagner is the creator of Garden TEPS (Therapy Education Food and Elimination of weight without suffering).

The TEPS is accompanied by psychoeducational therapy, which works educationally emotional, rational logic, and system functional organic whole human being (eg, the respiratory system, lymphatic and etc...)
Conclusion: Through research and experimentation, the following diseases are observed and can be cured about within days below: Constipation 1 day
Acidity 2 days .... Diabetes
7 days .....
Blood Pressure and Hypertension 4 weeks ..... Cancer
4 weeks ...... Pulmonary tuberculosis
3 months .......

Note: It is recommended that people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism should practice the TEPS (therapy) carefully and thoroughly several times a day for weeks and subsequently until the disease is controlled or cured and continue to sempre.Recomenda people who do not suffer no apparent disease should practice the TEPS (therapy) carefully and thoroughly several times a day for the prevention of diseases.

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removed from the e-mail the teacher, and the names of teas, juices and spices were omitted because as the TEPS is individual and each has its problems and its way of life, which will be good for the body of a person can be detrimental to another, and the names were replaced w / preserve the identity of same .

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From: TEPS
To: BC
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: ?????????

that girl that you did ............ Colocci testimony at the Bolsa de Mulher ....... there are people asking
information because TEPS read a testimonial ...... now I want a full statement .... LMAO
again you put the right comment
Prof. Wagner

From: "BC"
Subject: Rree :?????????
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 16:38:53 -0200

Hi, yes I put it .... LOL ..... the other times I put a comment ...... then write p / a
production Bolsa de Mulher and asked how I could do w / them to do a story or
interview on TEPS ..... until now not been answered
When another day had a report on diet and weight loss products in the bag again ....
life I was p ... that lack of consideration .... after all I had requested information w / a report from
type and neither responded. (I have a copy in Sent items ).... or rather were responding to right a new report ...... only it was not on TEPS .... okay .... if you do not respond ... I do another ....
... i put a deposition that was almost the size of the story .... and talked about the TEPS ( is this address .... the feedback link
Less pounds of matter in greater health Welfare Section of )

Wrote w / me too ........ and I answered each of the emails that arrived here

You want a full statement .. lol ...... I say .... You know I'm not afraid to show up ....... I know
that has a lot of people do TEPS and other therapies with you ... and are very elegant but they are as
my friend here .... how to eat everything in front of others and is a class better not to appear ...... I'm from the same people .... mourning every day ... not afraid to show up and tell what I'm doing what I'm better every day, thinner, more prepared, more healthy ......... beyond what the most important is that it is all natural and most important of all ..... you are Brazilian .... developed
search aqui.Você know I could not continue with the expertise ...... various reasons, be in another city, lack of money, the supervisor left the country because Brazilian researcher has no value here ....
.... and this is one thing that annoys me deeply that country .... so what is good even if I say ........
. and what you do is excellent .... if disclosure will be very good .... how many people have Alzheimer's and are like my mother was ...... how many people suffer because they are fat, obese .... and
can not lose weight as I could not ...... how many people have problems with cholesterol, diabetes, triglycerides, uric acid, depression, stress ..... if the clog of drugs are intoxicated and
are the same that were in the beginning ..... For my mother and I are being good today .........
divulge your work, your research, your therapy .... I do not care who'll laugh ... that will tell
AH is the net ......... I'm happy .... talk what they want ...... the only thing I know is I'm writing here now and seeing my mother sweep the floor and scold the little flowers that broke the bed
..... which was impossible to happen ...... is happening.
Well here we go ...... the testimony ........ you want to complete right

I met you here on the net one day I came was with insomnia and getting on the computer w /
spend hours in that I was sad, very depressed, in the midst of a depression damaged, with much pain back,
listless and unwilling to nothing ....... wanting the world to end soon
Remember you told me when it came out in the open that my mother had Alzheimer's ...... and one person started to make fun with it .... you gave a person and in esculacho offered help
Talking to you as it was and told her you said she could improve to be normal
At the time, remember it was the last day of April (24 if I remember correctly), she was in bed, did not recognize people from home , wore a diaper, just got up and went to help two people had not
strength to eat alone, had inflammation in the intestine and liver problems and fibromyalgia,
had already made four bridges in the heart and
I cried a lot was full ..... because they had discovered by reading the package insert for the medicines she was taking (21 different)
two of them cut the effect of two other ... had spoken with the doctors who cared for her and they
said they could not stop medication ... and another that sent him to check the compatibility of medicines ... said he could not take the medicine ........ and I do not
complied with the case ....
I explained everything that you asked ....... then you asked to do tests and tell you and it gave me an email
and handed me an instruction to begin with it
... I did the exams and passed the results on the first day of May
You've seen the test results ... examined remedies .... and asked to talk to the doctors who prescribed two of them said that I was to talk to him and ask if he could not suspend the drug w / an experiment because they were disrupting the action of other drugs in her body and spent
teas and juices should I give it to take, added the vegetables and various aliemntação temperose said she would get better soon ..... he would ask to get out of bed
You asked how was the query that I would pay ... after all you were doing a query to pray ...
I was so ......
... I was in the doctors talked to them .... an agreed ..... the other is not ..... I for removed the risk my medicine ..
.. its effect did not exist because of being blocked by another remedy
After a week he was better than intestine, with less pain, hardly cried, I was more
flushed and making digestãoPassou 18 days .. the day I started to do what you said ....
when I was going to work
heard her call .. I see ... she wanted to get out of bed ....
I took her out of bed ..... and supported she walked into the room ... and wanted to stay in the chair ....
After that day ... she returned to stay in bed most 24hrs ...... stayed in bed to sleep at night and a bit ago
Some 2 days later she got up from his chair alone .... festa.Um was a month later he was already six pills to take at least ...... because the doctors said she had improved no longer needed ........ with that thing with the drugs was that it had improved even seemed right ... talk to you every
15 days .... .. you looked like she was changed and teas, juices, food and things that needed
In June you spent the herbal medicine that is for pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis and said the concentrate of oil
was to improve her brain and she can not remember things .... that was the hardest to achieve because the pharmacies did not know Homeopathy oil ...... I spoke with you ...... you gave the name of the importer ..... a pharmacy called p / mimEla was improving and strengthening ... already went up, then sat alone and walked slowly but
In late July the oil arrived .... and began to give w / her as you said on 28 julhoNa first week ... was a fuss ... because she started thinking again and wondered the same thing about fifty times and turned my shadow ... where she was going back .... hehehehehe spent 10 days he called me by my name .... even at odd hours ....... did not flower, Menim, girl .... Be was .... wept ......... was so long that it does not said my name ........ 9 months .........
then she started wanting to do things
Gotta bathe sozinha.Continuei talking to you every 15 dias.Você was increasing the dose of the oil slowly ....... She fumbled on the first day that the dose changed. ....... then I got to do more coisasNa second time increased the oil it started to get changed myself and wear the clothing side direito.Outro increase in dose of oil with the changes of teas, juices and food and she wanted to help in
things the house .... got to play in the backyard water alone ...... help put clothes in the washing machine ....
help extend ... help wash dishes
He spent a month with the new dose ..... and you sent the exercises for the brain ... A week later
...... I could crochet ..... came a rat-hole in cloth and is with thick thread .... deserves to celebrate ... and every day she makes just a little today and a buttonhole stitch herself began the second career
with high water ..... or something better
Through an oversight it was my problem again with the gut .... was an oversight on food ...
took ... healed
Today is five days that had the last dose increase oil ...... for three days she can turn on the shower and adjust the water temperature alone
Today went to sleep right after dinner ... Tomorrow will raise will get smarter and do more things.
is well ..... after a few days which increases the oil ..... she says she's tired and goes to sleep right after
dining .... raises the next day wanting to do some things that still could not
I know it can not again be as it was totally .... that cooking, embroidering, knitting made, crochet,
was an excellent seamstress, she knew English, French, Italian, Portuguese teacher was, geography, history and drew and painted to perfection ....
But I'm sure she re going to cope without him, going back to cook and what she wants is
back to sew and learn to move in that television use p / write ... hehehehehe .... where every day she comes
hear poetry recited and is captivated by the computer
This is mommy's woe

Well now my

Well when I spoke to you the first time I was in the midst of a depression of those not had
courage, willingness to do anything with the spine getting worse every day and hurt more, had lots
insomnia and weighed 98 kgs.
I took drugs with corticosteroids, 2 antidepressants, a mood regulator, 2 sleeping (not sleeping), Tramal and Tilex and two types of antidepressants antiinflamatorioPor cause and remedies of the column had gained weight 41 kgs ... had already done all that was diet and regimen, and had given up despite not being able
stay with this weight because of costasFoi in once I talked to you about things the
mom that I can hardly remember the conversation emerged as the subject of obesity. and I said I was fat and you
said losing weight is easier said .... ah .... ta yes you said is just to eat well and hydrate that
I had little time doing exams ..... passed you the results .... I was told how the
drugs he was taking the problem of the column, depressão.Você said he would improve and that if he wanted to take
teas that I did w / my mother that I could
Today I know they started to detox huh .... LOL ....... I was taking and I was improving,
getting more prepared, less nervous, I started sleeping
You have reviewed and passed all the teas and juices w / take ... and put vegetables on the menu that
I did not eat so often. I looked
w / him ..... was more than I eat normally ..... well you had said that only thin women who eat ....... and Mom was much better and I also started doing the way you said ..... eliminated
800 g on the first day ...... 1 kg in the second ....... I was so excited ...... I said this is going to work .......
continued ..... every 15 days talking to you ....... AND I eliminating weight every day ...... an average of
900 grams to 1 kg per day ..... Over the days I was feeling better .....
After two months of when I started taking the tea that was for mom .. and less than one of
TEPS talked w / you that would take all the medicine she was taking antidepressants (3 antidepressants, a
regulation of mood and sleep 2) .... you said w / do ... it was very remedy that stirred
the central nervous system, I'd be wrong ... I'd better talk to the doctor and he go
decreasing the dose to stop ..... I said I'd do it was going to try
Oh you gave me a menu of teas to take and things w / eating different from what I was wearing that night ..... I agreed .... only without remedy w / sleep ....
15 days were hard ... was tired, tearful, depressed ..... these days did not give a shit w / all instructions ..... eliminated little weight did not reach 1 kg .... but did not care ..... you gave a tug of ears .... I should not have done so ....... then started to improve .... I was getting back well
willing, to take courage w / doing things ...... and after a month I went to do the right therapy
Every 15 days you spoke with ...... My PMS ..... was gone ... irritation, nervousness, cramps
were no longer present ..... hyper back pain that had at that time was much better ...
but I still swelled ..... You
passed a series of teas p / p and things take / eat in the week before menstruation .... this month
not swell ..... I went to remove 1 kg per day ...... From when I started doing the TEPS to eliminate weight
because before I did the detox and did not TEPS right when I cut the drugs .... I've eliminated 28 lbs .... could have eliminated more .... but I choose to get rid of antidepressants with the help of TEPS continue with them ... and get ... Even
medicine he was taking for the column ... not take more .... Now just take the herbal and floral
you passed .... and I am very better because in my power to have things my column
get better and I do not need the crap that took inche ... In those days again ... I talked to you ....
changed my tea again ..... less swollen and I am .... I will soon be back on my weight ..... and I
get slim again ... I know I could be with less weight .... but before that I was at the bottom
the well ... and as I am now ... Happy leaner more prepared and can eat anything ..... even
I take a little longer to get the weight ..... I will arrive in good health .... and not be taking
damn intoxicating drug ......
Well there is my .... hope I have not forgotten anything ... LOL If you want you can send
p / who asked for more information ... do not care ... so they will know that your therapy
works and very .... and that will leave them in good health
Bye ...... God is with

Played Basketball And My Knees Are Sore

The comment posted here which is the first blog comment when I created

From: "Kim at 12/06/2005 07:56:50 PM
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2005 03:56:56 -0000

AgradecimentoEu would like to thank Professor, Researcher, who developed the TEPS, I eliminated by making 38 pounds in just 60 days in a salute ¡able, because in my 90 years, since had done everything
talking of regimes and diets. I did not believe and Professor told me this: Rather than not believe it, just practice! And I paid to see and the result was that, I lost weight without taking a single drug, my health
improved so much that it's been eight years without serious illness or colds, my cholesterol, my blood pressure to normal, to the astonishment of my doctors and loss of memories gone. My disposal increased
and everyone asked me how everything was slim comment, I say try and make the TEPS. I know I will die, but I'll die with quality of life and happy. You need not believe in my testimony,
neither in nor in TEPS Professor who developed it, if you have doubts, practice, follow the instructions to the letter and
be happy like me. Thank you Professor. Thank you. I thank Joaquim de Souza and my
Wife Mary of the Triumph. - Posted by Joachim to TEPS - Care and Feeding of Eliminaação Weight
Without Suffering at 6/12/2005 07:56:50 PM

Denise Milani Not Real

From: Eza
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 13:11:07 +0000

Good Morning, Good, I knew the TEPS through BC that made a great propaganda because he said it is a
therapy that makes you stay in shape while eating stuff who likes to eat every day .... Of course I was curious and would like more details on how funciona.Aguardo information.

ANSWER: TEPSDate: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 17:54:23 -0200

Thank you for contacting us. Here attached a simple explanation of all terapia.Atenciosamente.
Prof. Wagner

From: Eza
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 12:52:55 +0000

Hello, Thanks for the quick response.
Grt. Eza

Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 14:05:25 -0200

Look Eza.A TEPS praticar.Desde only works if you send out what I asked. ok. Ms.. BC lives
within Sampa too. Ok It's up to you to practice my part for sure is guidance and you should practice it. Send me also a history of how's your day, what makes you eat and how to eat. Ok Thanks

Prof. Wagner

From: Eza
TEPS Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 14:28:28
Subject: RE: TEPS

So come on I'm 43 years old, 1.60 m - 64.800 k - creed! never had that weight on my life. Qa After my daughter was born in 2002, I lost weight while breastfeeding well (57k), but then I
gradually gaining weight ... I live in XX. and work in SP. I sit 10 hours a day ... 4 hours
one-way to SP and back to XX. 2 x per week 1 hour walk on the beach at night unless it's raining. Unfortunately it rains too much around here lately.

My breakfast: 8:00 am - when I get a piece of papaya SP + 1 small slice
small pineapple + a small slice of mango. 1 c.. coffee with skim milk and sweetener. 1 slice whole wheat bread with margarine.

my lunch : 12horasalface watercress or broccoli with tomato zucchini. A piece of meat or chicken or fish
sometimes a portion of pasta or a little rice with beans. medium papaya drink not
nothing or water during lunch.

snack : 16:00 hours1 coffee with a little milk or a cup of tea with slice of bread adoçante1
with butter and sometimes a chocolate

dinner: 20:00 hrs - when I get home1 plate of vegetable soup +1 nonfat latte with
OU1 through french bread yogurt with granola

I love chocolate, desserts, and policio but I'm not eating anything sweet for dessert during
On weekends I take ice cream on Saturday and Sunday as well and as a dessert.

My food on Saturdays and Sundays:
Ca faith in the morning: a French bread with margarine. A cup of coffee with semi-skimmed milk. medium papaya

lunch: Japanese food: sushi, salmon sashimi, miso soup and shimeji

Dinner: 3 slices of pizza margarita with orange juice. dessert: 2 scoops of ice cream mass
nuts. Forgot to mention

q take a whole day yakult am to 05:50 hrs
needs some more detail?

Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2005 15:15:25 -0200

Look Eza.
TEPS following amendments and recommendations based on your menu that you sent me:

2nd Monday

Breakfast: 08:00 hrs - when you arrive in Sao Paulo, take 1 cup tea recommended, sweeten with sugar.
a piece of papaya + 1 small slice of the tab. 1 cup of juice recommended.

Lunch: 12 hours: lettuce or watercress salad without tomatoes, broccoli and ABO. A piece of meat. A portion noodle

Snack: 16:00 hours1 teacup recommended, no sweetener. An apple.

Dinner: 20:00 hrs - when you get home: a bowl of soup + 1 coffee with milk with slices of flap.

3 Mondays: Recommended tea: Boil for 2 minutes, 2 spoons (soup) shallow prick the plant part in a
cup (tea) of water, let cool and strain, take 4 cups as recommended.

Breakfast: 08:00 hrs - when you get SP - 1 cup (tea) recommended, sweeten with honey +
a piece of honey + 1 slice of bread with ricotta.

Lunch: 12horassalada ace ruc or with pe, and bro chu and scene. 1 piece chicken. A serving of rice
with beans, a banana.

Lunch: 16:00 pm: 1 cup unsweetened + recommended a pear.

Dinner: 20:00 hrs - when you get home - a bowl of salad + 1 cup of juice recommended.

4 Mondays:

Breakfast: 8:00 am - when I get SP, take 1 cup tea recommended, sweeten with brown sugar, a piece of papaya + 3 small slices of flap. A recommended glass of juice without sugar or sweetener.

Lunch: 12 pm: salad complete without tomatoes. A piece of grilled fish. A serving of pasta.

Lunch: 16:00 hours1 recommended cup of tea without sweetener. One or two oranges.

Dinner: 20:00 hrs - when you get home: a bowl of vegetable salad + 1 cup of tea recommended
without sweetener.

5 Wednesday: Tea Recommended: Take 4 cups (tea) a day, as instructed TEPS.

Breakfast: 08:00 hrs - when you arrive in Brazil - recommended a cup of tea, sweeten with honey + 1 small piece of melon strawberry + 6.

Lunch: salad full 12horasuma with rice and beans + 1 tangerine.

Lunch: 16:00 hours1 recommended cup of tea, unsweetened pear + 1.

Dinner: 20:00 hrs - when you get home - a bowl of noodle soup + 1 glass of juice
recommended and then take a glass of juice + recommended.

6 Wednesday: Tea Recommended: Take 4 cups (tea) a day, do as advised.

Breakfast: 08:00 hrs - when you arrive in Sao Paulo, take a cup of tea recommended, sweeten with
brown sugar. Eat fruits recommended. 1 cup of juice recommended.

Lunch: 12 hours: vegetable salad complete without tomatoes. A portion of the chicken bird. A portion

Lunch: 16:00 pm: 1 cup unsweetened recommended. Eat a fruit or slices of these
pear, apple, papaya, starfruit.

Dinner: 20:00 hrs - when you get home: a bowl of soup and vegetables lemon juice + 1.

My food on Saturdays and Sundays:


Breakfast: 1 whole wheat bread with cottage cheese + 1 cup of fennel + medium papaya

Lunch: Japanese food: sushi, salmon sashimi, miso soup and shimeji.
Lunch: 16:00 hours1 recommended cup of tea without sweetener. Tuber recommended boiled in
water and little salt, knead until it reaches the point of puree.

Dinner: 2 slices of pizza margarita with fresh orange juice

Sunday is free but must follow the instruções.E meals follow the recommendation of TEPS.

Note: in each meal that you should follow the instructions of his TEPS every day and take
the teas and juices as the instructions indicated his TEPS

From: Eza
BC Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 18:29:08 +0000 Hi

BCCom these strange names not I associated to you and not accepted, but now I added you ... I received
guidelines to hydrate me for a few days, then start TEPS.Olha received instructions to
q week comes, even a diet, I confess q I was a little disappointed, because q was thinking there would be no restriction on food ... we'll see how I'll carry

BC wrote on November 26, 2005 Hi All

Bems calls did not go as expected ... LOL .... writes w / him and calls ... he'll
explain why. For me the beginning was a bit tricky because I was little and hydrates and oxygenates
also hardly ate .... today as more than when I started .... TEPS rsrssrsrsrs

From: Eza
TEPS Posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:33:41
Subject: RE: Therapy

Weight: 2nd. Monday: 63.8; third. Monday: 63.8; fourth. Monday: 64.1

Question: Why not can eat tomatoes? Eat tomato can!
Answer: I'm sorry if something is unclear. Just wanted to put it should not prepare it with vegetables like fragile ex.: Lettuce, ok. make the tomato salad in accordance with the recommendations. For the
even because of its acidity, which causes the vegetables to release toxins, and there you will be ingesting a
vegetables that can hurt you and hinder your therapy is all.
Note: hydration should continue to happen daily.

Yesterday at lunch did not have banana and then ate half papaya, could it?
Answer: Yes, nothing prevents you replace a fruit by another.

tea recommended I switch on the other?
Answer: Yes the other tea.

fruit and also for other fruit?
Answer: Yes

juice recommended by other juice?
Spost Re: Yes

Note1: Sweeten with a little sugar or honey.
Note2: It is not allowed to eat anything, but do always follow the principles of TEPS
and recommendations at each meal
await ...

From: Eza
TEPS Posted: Thursday, December 1, 2005 19:02:22
Subject: RE: Therapy

5th Monday: Weight: 63.5
like to keep eating bread w / coffee with milk for breakfast manhã.Hj eg. was supposed to
eaten only honey and tea + mor (mor had not, I asked another tea), but also ate bread ... can it be?

A. You can eat whatever you want if you want, just did the changes in the needs they checked and I believe it is necessary to eliminate weight faster, because then we would
eliminating some organic defects, and these changes are beneficial, do not believe there need
to eat bread every day, just might take longer to eliminate weight and detoxify your body
, then the responsibility?

hj afternoon I ate an alpine (q chocolate.) Has only 70 calories!
Answer: I hope you made when you eat the recommended alpine these first thirty days try to avoid, but if you can not do it within the specifications made.

How is my weight? should have eliminated more? Responding to questions
2, so it has done this within the limits of elimination, would rather have eliminated more weight on my schedule, but the answers to TEPS is always on who is doing, so if you are unhappy with the elimination of 1.300 g great for me too in just 6 dias.Mas know for sure the results could be better and that it would facilitate you to achieve your goals, the elimination of weight. And
TEPS only depends on practice as well have said, are essential breathing exercises.

And so both would be more satisfactory, but look it is clear that within the principles of TEPS created by me, there are also respect the needs of each client, after you have behaved like this for many years, then we will adjust the TEPS and Tu Tu The TEPS. ok.
And gradually and gradually we will make changes and adjustments that are necessary for your body to heal these defects anos.Como told you the result could be better, could, but the TEPS was not made to suffer with it it but to be happier and I tell you honestly I am happy.

How To Get To Shiny Rayquaza In Emerald

From: Alain
Posted Monday, November 28, 2005 19:02:17
Box Input

Hj went to the doctor to take the Cesar, I'm so worried about him.
since last week was complaining of pain garaganta the doctor ordered to give
inflammatory, as n does not improve and was a high fever at night 6.feira
another doctor gave amoxicillin and Saturday, June morning.
when it was around 10 hours he woke me with his whole body was red like allergy, I suspended the antibiotic and gave an anti-allergic, and he insisted and went with me anyway, was
home of my niece on Saturday late afternoon and told me that on Sunday was much uglier
he was afraid and my nephew took him to the Tour
Health & Medical said it could be allergy antibiotic, gave an injection, I believe q is an allergen, and a corticosteroid.
Since then nothing has not improved, the body continues with coarse and very red, but
worried because his leg, if he gets two minutes on foot is purple,
near the knee and thighs, it turns purple, when he sits, then back to redness, the doctor thought might be q with low platelets, but did
and blood test is normal, but gave no signs of infection, it you think I should neck still has not improved, he said which is a type of bacteria causes q
it in the body, like allergy, and would search and requested an examination, he will do tomorrow
and spent another antibiotic. 'm so worried ...
've ever seen something like this? write to me ....

From: Alain
TEPS Posted: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 22:48:11

Thanks for the tips on food and teas .... Tomorrow I'll buy what
missed it, cuz I was just Cesar afternoon and q would go to the center, but tomorrow my sister is at home and go shopping. But today I made tea with the other ingredient ...
but I guess I exaggerated dose ... he felt very strong ... even so it took a little ... then made another q was best for him to take night. But his throat is still ugly. I am urging him to drink ... only bit by bit, q
says it hurts a lot. I got him to take oats q hj the afternoon ... and the night did the broth
the instructions, in a blender and hit he took, although little ... but at least
could take a while.
Tomorrow he will take the exam the doctor asked and then return to the doctor tomorrow ..
but thought I better he's a guy, the fever is already under control, he no longer has
Febrae high. skin allergy that is still with him
coarse skin, but no longer as red as it was before. thank you for being by my side ... same q you go see this email just this morning ... thanks for everything

From: Alain
TEPS Posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 17:26:34

just came to say. The Cesar thank God, is improving slowly, I'm making tea as required by the statement, did he play hj tea and dry the body after bathing. But I'm more quiet, hj
failed to make the exam, because he needed to get permission on my health plan, but tomorrow morning he will do
and then drive to the doctor and send you, but I'm more relaxed now, he is slowly feeding and also taking the juice, water.
Thanks for help and support, thanks very much.

From: Alain
TEPS Posted: Thursday, December 1, 2005 19:48:23

aki td is good. The Cesar is improving thanks to God, keep doing the teas
q you recommended and it was very bom.Amanhã get the test results he did

Changing Impeller On Evinrude 4hp

From: Iza
Subject: Information channel
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 20:25:35 -0000
wonder: what is the channel so that it can maintain this "informative talk" as he did on the TEPS Be?

From: TEPS
To: Iza
Subject: Information channel
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 22:36:53 -0000
The channel is this email. The Be is a patient who does therapy here for the Net because she lives in Ribeirao Preto, and when she says every 15 days I talked with "you" is that she sent e-mail tests than were feeling, what was happening, how she was and proof of deposit ... and I sent the instructions of therapy for ELAA informative talk is how we're doing.
Prof. Wagner

From: Isa
Subject: possible
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 20:48:55 -0200
Now, please answer me, a person with Alzheimer's, which already not speak, and is probed on a wheelchair, there is a possibility of treatment that can alleviate this situation? She takes no medications that, according to the neurologist, there is no longer what to do. His treatment is restricted to the pulmonologist because that makes repeated pneumonia. The TEPS make any difference? Thank you for listening,
Response TEPS
To tell you the possibilities that there ....... you need to send me a report on the person as she is, what probes you use, as it feeds, which supply that uses each day of the week, what medications w / pneumonia taking, how much he takes, takes juice, water and the need also of the examinations that the person did in order to know how she is the mother of organicamente.Tanto Be as other people do for Alzheimer's therapy had significant improvements, but for them depends on how each case will improve as a lead a little more time due to the state that are Be's mother makes the therapy since April and take the oil from 07.28 and as he had presented a framework that depression increases the dose of oil were slower, because it will reactivate the brain and the memories will return but it is a time lapse of the period not stored nadaFaça well ..... send it by e-mail and I look at you and say what the possibilities that exist for the person and then you decide whether or not doing well
Prof. Wagner

From: Iza
Subject: Re: possible
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 00:44:42 -0200
Prof. Wagner:
I gather the final examinations for which she underwent at the hospital (blood, chest x-ray ...) and send for your enjoyment. Today, I reply that the probe used is nasogrática, has been for three years. As for medication for pneumonia is in hospital, antibiotics are essentially. At home do not use drugs. This year, for example, made three admissions. In food, makes use of vegetable soup and juice, soy milk, kefir milk, water. Makes six meals a day by gavage, once per 200 ml. To complement this offer, too, oral feeding. However, not always accepted. This was the cause have been probed, since oral feeding was not meeting their nutritional needs. Has difficulty swallowing. Has no control over their physiological needs. Geriatric wear diapers. He sleeps a lot. I emphasize, however, is not shaken. Never was, even while developing a coherent conversation and walked early in the attention of doença.Agradeço. Consider a possible means of improvement is utopian, but does well! As soon as the exams have on hand, send for your enjoyment. With the possibility of treatment, conversaremos.Grata,

From: Iza
Subject: Re: possible
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:05:49 -0200
Prof. Wagner:
1) A correction to the information he passed yesterday, the probe is not nasoenteral nasográstrica.
2) At the hospital, a neurologist, September2005, said that her brain is the size of a "bean", called for apologies by the term, by speaking in a simplified form.
3) Early identification of disease by the family were about 10years.
Pending wait,

In (15:50:26) Wagner Garden wrote: Hello

Iza! Look there possobilidade the person improve the observance of the "brain size" .... what happens is that he is paralyzed, does not work, because the brain does not decrease in size and yes it stopped working. The person is the minimum run so do not talk, does not move, do not walk, do nothing. Look, I have prepared a therapy for her ... an initial therapy .... but I need you to pass exams and age and details of the person .... because in order to begin treatment as the mother of B. we need first to hydrate, oxygenate and strengthen the person's body because she is very weak ... as we did with the mother of B. and others who do therapy. I wish that from now on you do contact me via this email .... because the staff of the Alzheimer's has to be treated differently because they need more care, and needs are outras.Vou need you to keep me informed via a weekly report .... which is able to monitor and verify what is needed for it to go better go growing stronger and getting in position to take the oil out. Look you can call me today .... after 14:30 (local time in sao paulo) ... XX on the telephone - XXXXXXXX if you want to talk to me personally
Prof. Wagner

From: Iza

To: alzheimersj

Subject: Re: possible

Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 14:11:37 -0200
Prof. Wagner:
The Lord has already prepared a teparia for her? Who wonder! In these days I'll be scanning and sending surveys to the Lord. After, I will phone contact so we can talk in concrete data. I appreciate the attention shown.

I will contact you shortly.

In (14:23:04) Wagner Garden wrote:

Hello Iza

tests have to be recent, I also need the full name date of birth, address these thing to make a register of the patient so we can follow its development and also the weekly reports on the events or any amendment to it, this report should preferably be done by the person accompanying the patient daily. When sending the additional data, the exams, I know ...... the case of the person in question must be difficult for you because must have little hope for what you told me, but for me too is not an easy case, it's really a great challenge this situation, so I will accept and commit to the full, but so that I can help it, I need also to have her as a real partner to inform me of any change that occurs with the person in question. ok.Aproveito also tell you that every person is unique and respondediferentemente other, each in its own way and will, although it seems to be no case, but I do not believe you assim.Esteja well be free to make its decision, so any decision you take will be fully respected, and I wish him luck before hand in this endeavor and this his his life and daily struggle.


Prof. Wagner

From: Iza
To: alzheimer
Re: possibilidadeDate:

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 14:36:20 -0000
Prof. Wagner:

This morning we went into the hospital seeking exams and some notes in medical records that might be considered interesting. How is a military hospital, are "filed" requests. In 3 (three) business days will have on hand. I got me a CT and a radius "x" Chest of August. The exams are in September. The patient is my mother who taught me that knowledge is the best way to succeed in vida.Isso step for my children, for effort alone makes a difference in human life doser. Thank you for helping me in this journey.

Embrace, Iza.

From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: possible Date:
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:16:08 -0000
sway. Wagner:
Summary Report follows a story of my mother. I submit for your consideration the exams (images and report the CT scan report of rx-rays and scans laboratory). All date from agosto/setembro-2005, during his last hospitalization. I know life is a gift from God and responsible to him alone the time to retake it. However, managing this life is our task. With this understanding is that I intend to give a bit of quality to the life of my mother. If possible, I hope your help in this journey.

From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: thanks
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2005 11:40:20 -0000
Prof. Wagner

This week she showed some signs of improvement, spends more time awake, and tried say something. He had diarrhea two days and was treated to control it. Iza

In (01:07:58) Wagner Garden wrote:

Izagradeço submission of documents and is being altered by the examinations sent hope you'll be as happy as I found the answer in your mother This is a sign that the brain is returning to work Diarrhea is a detoxification response that has already begun to discontinue the medicine and the fruits suggested with the grit indicated mixed in a paste in place of the drug (can cause intestinal flora destriução) preferably twice daily in states of diarrhea
Prof. Wagner

From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: thanks
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 12:29:35 -0000
Prof. Wagner:

The minimum sign of improvement is a matter of great satisfaction. Even today, beginning the suggestion of replacing the product. I remember she pointed to her grandchildren "babies" the use of this suggestion. Interesting how history repeats itself! .... for us to begin therapy with óleo.Acreditando that the possibility of improvement continues,



to: Iza

Subject: Re: thanks

Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:16:35 -0200

Good afternoon.
Mrs. Iza

I am sending you a menu to use Mrs. for her mother, the next 30 days so that we may strengthen as much as possible your body and your immune system, and hopefully get better results than the already achieved. And it is this hope I send to this menu. To then according to their weekly reports can insert the medicine, said the oil like call people that it is her hope utilzam.Espero continue as large as minha.Felicidades and awaiting their reports. If you can send them every Monday.


Prof. Wagner


Follow instructions on hydration TEPS .

From the 3rd day, and include the below forms.

-1 is necessary to include the fruit shown on TEPS for breakfast and coffee during the afternoon four days a week, 2nd, 4th, 6th and Sunday.

Include 2-brown in the patient's meals, at least 3 days per week, two times a day, how to prepare for Main Forum la.Sujestão: Prepare as directed in TEPS

3-Include in patient meals every day vegetables, legumes listed in therapy.

4-Include dashes of seasoning TEPS indicated in the patient's meals every day for 15 days, removed for 7 days and return for another 15 days, rest for 10 days and then return to the front and a further 15 rest for 15 days and so on.

5-Include the specified root, 3 times daily for 30 days, rest for 10 days and return for another 30 days and so sucessivamente.Sujestão: preparation as suggested.

6-Include fruit in the meal the patient 5 consecutive days per week. In its original form, the pope or thick juice.

Include 7-day juice and vegetables, prepared as suggested in therapy, to help mix in blender.

8 - Add the spices listed in TEPS at every meal given to the patient and decrease our use of seasoning is required.

9 - Include legumes indicated the patient daily with meals, boiled only and mixed with the seasoning suggested and may be seasoned with a dash of margarine to taste. pappy or include in the soup.

NOTE: You must strictly follow the menu above, record and report through the weekly report reactions and changes in patient behavior to the therapist, without which it is possible to monitor the same by e-mail: alzheimersj

OBS1: Of course, here we will respect the client in recovery and give her the cold sweetened tea as indicated in TEPS.

OBS-2: Do not pass this TEPS because it was made exclusively for the patient based on their need, food, and exams in our chat.

From: Iza

To: alzheimersj

Subject: Re: thanks

Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 21:34:33
Prof. Wagner:
will follow the suggested menu, religiously. It is noteworthy that it is probed. Then, the menu will be all spent in a blender or centrifuge. Only one detail will initiate on Monday, 12/12 days, so next Monday, after seven days, you can send the report. And on 12 January 2006 will be the past 30 days.

will be posted later learned from other forms of monitoring practitioners of TEPS and the evolution of the above.
Beforehand I thank the visitors from space TEPS and those who post comments here

Prof. Wagner

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