Subject: possible
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 20:48:55 -0200
Now, please answer me, a person with Alzheimer's, which already not speak, and is probed on a wheelchair, there is a possibility of treatment that can alleviate this situation? She takes no medications that, according to the neurologist, there is no longer what to do. His treatment is restricted to the pulmonologist because that makes repeated pneumonia. The TEPS make any difference? Thank you for listening,
Subject: Re: possible
From: Iza
Subject: Re: possible
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:05:49 -0200
In (15:50:26) Wagner Garden wrote: Hello
Iza! Look there possobilidade the person improve the observance of the "brain size" .... what happens is that he is paralyzed, does not work, because the brain does not decrease in size and yes it stopped working. The person is the minimum run so do not talk, does not move, do not walk, do nothing. Look, I have prepared a therapy for her ... an initial therapy .... but I need you to pass exams and age and details of the person .... because in order to begin treatment as the mother of B. we need first to hydrate, oxygenate and strengthen the person's body because she is very weak ... as we did with the mother of B. and others who do therapy. I wish that from now on you do contact me via this email
Prof. Wagner
From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: possible
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 14:11:37 -0200
Prof. Wagner:
The Lord has already prepared a teparia for her? Who wonder! In these days I'll be scanning and sending surveys to the Lord. After, I will phone contact so we can talk in concrete data. I appreciate the attention shown.
I will contact you shortly.
In (14:23:04) Wagner Garden wrote:
Hello Iza
tests have to be recent, I also need the full name date of birth, address these thing to make a register of the patient so we can follow its development and also the weekly reports on the events or any amendment to it, this report should preferably be done by the person accompanying the patient daily. When sending the additional data, the exams, I know ...... the case of the person in question must be difficult for you because must have little hope for what you told me, but for me too is not an easy case, it's really a great challenge this situation, so I will accept and commit to the full, but so that I can help it, I need also to have her as a real partner to inform me of any change that occurs with the person in question. ok.Aproveito also tell you that every person is unique and respondediferentemente other, each in its own way and will, although it seems to be no case, but I do not believe you assim.Esteja well be free to make its decision, so any decision you take will be fully respected, and I wish him luck before hand in this endeavor and this his his life and daily struggle.
Prof. Wagner
From: Iza
To: alzheimer
Re: possibilidadeDate:
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 14:36:20 -0000
Prof. Wagner:
This morning we went into the hospital seeking exams and some notes in medical records that might be considered interesting. How is a military hospital, are "filed" requests. In 3 (three) business days will have on hand. I got me a CT and a radius "x" Chest of August. The exams are in September. The patient is my mother who taught me that knowledge is the best way to succeed in vida.Isso step for my children, for effort alone makes a difference in human life doser. Thank you for helping me in this journey.
Embrace, Iza.
From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: possible Date:
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:16:08 -0000
sway. Wagner:
Summary Report follows a story of my mother. I submit for your consideration the exams (images and report the CT scan report of rx-rays and scans laboratory). All date from agosto/setembro-2005, during his last hospitalization. I know life is a gift from God and responsible to him alone the time to retake it. However, managing this life is our task. With this understanding is that I intend to give a bit of quality to the life of my mother. If possible, I hope your help in this journey.
From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: thanks
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2005 11:40:20 -0000
Prof. Wagner
This week she showed some signs of improvement, spends more time awake, and tried say something. He had diarrhea two days and was treated to control it. Iza
In (01:07:58) Wagner Garden wrote:
Izagradeço submission of documents and is being altered by the examinations sent hope you'll be as happy as I found the answer in your mother This is a sign that the brain is returning to work Diarrhea is a detoxification response that has already begun to discontinue the medicine and the fruits suggested with the grit indicated mixed in a paste in place of the drug (can cause intestinal flora destriução) preferably twice daily in states of diarrhea
Prof. Wagner
From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: thanks
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 12:29:35 -0000
Prof. Wagner:
The minimum sign of improvement is a matter of great satisfaction. Even today, beginning the suggestion of replacing the product. I remember she pointed to her grandchildren "babies" the use of this suggestion. Interesting how history repeats itself! .... for us to begin therapy with óleo.Acreditando that the possibility of improvement continues,
to: Iza
Subject: Re: thanks
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:16:35 -0200
Good afternoon.
Mrs. Iza
I am sending you a menu to use Mrs. for her mother, the next 30 days so that we may strengthen as much as possible your body and your immune system, and hopefully get better results than the already achieved. And it is this hope I send to this menu. To then according to their weekly reports can insert the medicine, said the oil like call people that it is her hope utilzam.Espero continue as large as minha.Felicidades and awaiting their reports. If you can send them every Monday.
Prof. Wagner
Follow instructions on hydration TEPS .
From the 3rd day, and include the below forms.
-1 is necessary to include the fruit shown on TEPS for breakfast and coffee during the afternoon four days a week, 2nd, 4th, 6th and Sunday.
Include 2-brown in the patient's meals, at least 3 days per week, two times a day, how to prepare for Main Forum la.Sujestão: Prepare as directed in TEPS
3-Include in patient meals every day vegetables, legumes listed in therapy.
4-Include dashes of seasoning TEPS indicated in the patient's meals every day for 15 days, removed for 7 days and return for another 15 days, rest for 10 days and then return to the front and a further 15 rest for 15 days and so on.
5-Include the specified root, 3 times daily for 30 days, rest for 10 days and return for another 30 days and so sucessivamente.Sujestão: preparation as suggested.
6-Include fruit in the meal the patient 5 consecutive days per week. In its original form, the pope or thick juice.
Include 7-day juice and vegetables, prepared as suggested in therapy, to help mix in blender.
8 - Add the spices listed in TEPS at every meal given to the patient and decrease our use of seasoning is required.
9 - Include legumes indicated the patient daily with meals, boiled only and mixed with the seasoning suggested and may be seasoned with a dash of margarine to taste. pappy or include in the soup.
NOTE: You must strictly follow the menu above, record and report through the weekly report reactions and changes in patient behavior to the therapist, without which it is possible to monitor the same by e-mail: alzheimersj
OBS1: Of course, here we will respect the client in recovery and give her the cold sweetened tea as indicated in TEPS.
OBS-2: Do not pass this TEPS because it was made exclusively for the patient based on their need, food, and exams in our chat.
From: Iza
To: alzheimersj
Subject: Re: thanks
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 21:34:33
Prof. Wagner:
will follow the suggested menu, religiously. It is noteworthy that it is probed. Then, the menu will be all spent in a blender or centrifuge. Only one detail will initiate on Monday, 12/12 days, so next Monday, after seven days, you can send the report. And on 12 January 2006 will be the past 30 days.
Beforehand I thank the visitors from space TEPS and those who post comments here
Prof. Wagner
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