Age as the TEPS? The TEPS
"Therapy Education Food and Elimination of weight without suffering" works and acts in all diseases
The TEPS acts to educate the brain through the body. The TEPS
acts to keep the body of anyone ever satisfied with the hydration, nutrition, and oxygenation, without the need to remove any food from day to day and the usual person. The TEPS
acts only adding hidradatação, food and oxygen to the daily lives of people until it becomes a natural habit in your life. The TEPS
acts by becoming a habit, Simple, effective and disciplining of times so it can be done anywhere whether at home or work, without causing discomfort . The TEPS
acts because it regards the hours of rest and way of life of all people who practice it. The TEPS
acts causing the lymphatic organ or region to work regularly without the need for drugs. The TEPS
acts because oxygenates the body naturally (human body) completely.
The TEPS can be done automatically by any person and any other kind of medical treatment, because there is no point in adding any kind of therapy allopathic medicine (traditional) practiced by modern medicine.
So the TEPS, acts that it requires no mental or physical effort of those who practice it, so it does not cause stress, which in most cases is the cause of many contemporary ills of modern society. The only acts
TEPS! The TEPS preference always coupled with hydration and oxygenation aliemtação.
As hydration and oxygenation act?
not allowing your body to accumulate fat not needed by your body. For moisturizing, oxygenating and feeding properly purify the human body. Because it makes the colon more effective by forming new blood, known in medical term as "haematopaises.
For the folds of the lining of the colon and intestines are activated by this method is a known fact, as the theory that fresh blood is produced in the folds of the mucosa.
So if the colon is cleaned then the nutrients from ingested food several times a day, and will be absorbed by the action of the folds in the mucosa, these will be converted into fresh blood.
And that is not absorbed will be excreted through urine and feces, including fat.
Blood is of fundamental importance in curing disease and restoring health, and for that hydration, nutrition and oxygenation should be routinely performed for and disciplined.
I would urge that the TEPS should be read and practiced carefully and strictly according to the instructions ..
Several points are evident in the message of TEPS:
The TEPS is one therapy or method and is suggested to be applied to ordinary people who have oral feeding. The TEPS
as it has suggested a hydration, nutrition and oxygenation excessive, which would also be harmful. So the TEPS causes no harm, because the hydration, nutrition and oxygenation adequately never hurt anyone.
Furthermore, the TEPS only confirm that the hydration, oxygenation and proper nutrition are essential to human life, a fact already known and proven by science. The TEPS
also suggests that hydration, nutrition and oxygenation indicated, trying to adapt it to the patient so the absorption is more efficient and is necessary for the prevention of diseases.
Note.: The TEPS therapy or method should not be seen as a "temporary crutch" must become a habit, hydration, oxygenation and proper nutrition, so daily life of any person.
The TEPS does not replace traditional medicine and not intended to be the only option for people in general. The TEPS
not only helps treat the effects, as well as the TEPS assists in the correction and the natural cause of his ailment (wrong way of life).
The TEPS does not advise eating the so-called "water more adequate" or "living water." What comes to be a "more adequate water (" living water ") to be ingested • Some believe that water, a water healthier and that's why they recommend "LIVING WATER". TEPS The water does not recommend this because it is arising from the melting (water is a lighter and tastier than the water taken directly from the tap), leaving only the center of it out and taking all the liquid coming from, but can also bring some bacteria that are harmful to the human body or to some virus diseases that are extinct or eradicated.
The TEPS is based somewhat on the teachings bíblicos.A TEPS, as well as that Jesus Christ taught and always gave all people, before anything, water and bread (food) they were sick or not, and so is the principle of TEPS recommends or suggests that people introduce into your daily routine hydration, oxygenation, and food and both are taken correctly and in amount healthy human health.
Science shows that water and grease do not mix naturally, and based on this scientific principle is that the TEPS is based, because if the water does not mix the fat, it can and is the main driver and for the removal of natural fat in the human body and thus cause the fat cells that retain the so-called "fat cells" to retain only enough fat to provide the necessary energy for the human body. The TEPS
associated hydration, oxygenation and nutrition is routinely used in life, can prevent and cure the disease already described above.
The TEPS in no way should be used recklessly or without accompaniment.
Prof. Wagner is the creator of Garden TEPS (Therapy Education Food and Elimination of weight without suffering).
The TEPS is accompanied by psychoeducational therapy, which works educationally emotional, rational logic, and system functional organic whole human being (eg, the respiratory system, lymphatic and etc...)
Conclusion: Through research and experimentation, the following diseases are observed and can be cured about within days below: Constipation 1 day
Acidity 2 days .... Diabetes
7 days .....
Blood Pressure and Hypertension 4 weeks ..... Cancer
4 weeks ...... Pulmonary tuberculosis
3 months .......
Note: It is recommended that people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism should practice the TEPS (therapy) carefully and thoroughly several times a day for weeks and subsequently until the disease is controlled or cured and continue to sempre.Recomenda people who do not suffer no apparent disease should practice the TEPS (therapy) carefully and thoroughly several times a day for the prevention of diseases.
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