Thursday, December 7, 2006

Brent Corrigan Where To Watch

Hermessence Ambre Narguille

Initially, it smells like apple pie, which just began a process of fermentation - and a little longer appetizing dekadencko, as if someone had nasączył alcohol and cherry seed extract (the smell of cyanide). That's how they smell fruit, when they begin to decompose - yet they are not acidic, but slightly sparkling. I have an association with carbon dioxide - is odorless, but it was so warm, a significant first phase of decomposition. Then I also feel a subtle smudge of burnt caramel.
This is the first fragrance from the name of amber, which is definitely not like me. I do not understand the idea. First, do not feel ambergris. After the second and last: the kitchen is too freak and too strange for something delicious. Culinary failed experiment. Perhaps only failed to pan my strange skin.


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