Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Does Van Halen Still Smoke

body. You're on time!

T orkshops: Body Language, Dance
Tuesday 19:00 to 20:30 Open
. Reserve your assistance

Find a space where you feel comfortable / o.
Find some time in the week that the speed can stop and listen.

work supports, body alignment and shaft. The disposition of the body, muscle tone, respiratory rate. The qualities of movement. the different spaces you inhabit.
body language as a means of communication. The voices that come and identify us.
Explore new ways (messages) to develop creativity and playability. Enjoy
the plot that holds our own dance

Workshop: Songs in the body
Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30 Open
. Confirm your attendance .

Lyrics (pieces of the song Pedro Guerra)

Each song is a memory
embraced as tapestry
we could embroider.


A song for a moment a soul, that life

settles and leaves.


A song is a travel book
has embroidered light was
.......................................... ......... Pedro Guerra

work the current status register:
bearings and shafts. Muscle tone. Breathing rate position

Awareness vocal apparatus. Sound emission. voices that identify us.

sensoperception techniques are applied, touch-contact, breathing esferodinamia, play and creativity.

"A song is ... culture, history, feelings, emotions ...... mystery."

Select the song you're going to work.

Caballito. Parque Rivadavia. 4903-0722

RSVP 156 685 3926


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